Dr. Antoninho Dias,-A pioneer  life saver

Dr.Antonio Franscisco Simplicio Dias was popularly and  affectionately
known as Dr Antoninho. He was married to Maria da Conceicao Santa  Rita
Furtado(Palmar Grande).Dr Antoninho is the son of late Dulcidonio Torquato
Tasso Dias served as Dr and Major in the Portuguese Army and Mrs Eliza
Idalina CarlotaBarros Dias. His useful life spanned from 2.March 1892 to

 Dr. served the Village of Chinchinim specially Dandeavado and surrounding
wards, as the first and only Paediatrician and General Medical
Practitioner( Curso Medico Cirurgico), Dr was much sought after for his
dedication, simplicity, affability and passion for his mission to serve and
save lives, being the only saviour for the vast majority of patients in the
locality. Dr.was understood in not demanding his fees, though the  grateful
patients paid him in instalments, as and when they could.  In those days,
Doctors dispensed their own prepared medicines, since there were no
pharmacies in the village for patent drugs .He was well known far and wide
for his specialty in the cure and relief of whooping cough, then an
irritating disease in the young children. He had also to trudge the
distances in dispensing his medical services even at odd hours and at
nights and which he did with pleasure. Many a folks profess their profound
gratitude for their survival and existence to this date due to his timely
medical intervention and care. I am one of those fortunate ones.

Dr.was honoured by being appointed Adjudante do Registo Civil   for the
villages of Chinchinim,Assolna,Velim for Civil Registration of births, ,
deaths and marriages. Besides he was actively and constructively involved
in the institutions of Communidade de Chinchinim, and Fabrica de Igreja de
Chinchinim and served both with distinction in the capacity of the
President, He being most educated ,literate was the favourite, popular
 sought after Toast Master at weddings in Dandeavado, Bandfol,  Mingfoll and
beyond and was listened to with rapt attentions  for his mature advise and
words of wisdom.

The residents of Palmar Grande once made a concerted and determined effort
to shift the Portuguese Primary school from its present, convenient and
centrally located site Dr Antoninho with some enlightened, prominent
citizens warded off successfully the illogical attempt to shift the
premises, which stands to this day as the testimony to his thoughtful

Dr Antoninho was deeply a religious and spiritual person, unfailingly
attending daily mass , which he believed was his strength , boundless
energy to serve and not to be served. His self professed motto “ Pray with
faith,  work  selflessly with love and devotion in the service of his
calling” remains etched in times,  worthy of recall

His late illustrious son Dr Antonio Dulcidonio Zacarias Menino Jesus
Barros Dias
followed in the foot steps of his father, practiced in Coimbra and also as
the Superintendent of Diamond Company in Angola, On his return, for a brief
period, offered consultations,  was engaged with the Lions Club of
Chinchinim, and extended regularly his expertise to the students of the
 Church  school including old aged home at Chinchinim.  Dr.Dulcidonio is
survived by his wife and 3 daughters having  lost his son

The surviving daughters of late Dr Antoninho are MrsAlba,Mrs Blasia,MrsElma,
MrsAurea and late Ms Alzira

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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