Dr Raul Gonsalves  Archbhisop a visionary to spread  mass education
Dr. Raul Gonsalves Archbishop Emeritus  a visionary

Immediately after liberation of Goa His Eminence  proposed that our
Diocesan Curches  take initiative to spread Education.The process began
slowly by establishing schools in all churches
It was a grand thoughtful  design to reach facility of Education at the
door steps of masses in villages.In the year 1968_69
Fr Antimo Gomes had enrolled for B Ed
Archbishop Raul planned to organise and consolidate the DSE schools.He
inspired motivated  Fr Antimo to take the responsibility and promised to
depute him for higher education and reimburse his expenses for BEd
course.He had a clear vision a  role for him and his choice to lead was
well thought of.. Fr Gones was his student and hence confident  of his
capacity., detremination  responsibilty and commitment  Fr was reluctant
without administrative experience, pleaded for a delay  but  finallyv
accepted the persistent  offer in obedience to the request of superior;
inspite of his personal reservations
Arcbhisop had more confidence than hesitating and reluctant Fr Gomes
He started with all humility and how he galvanised , registered and
established  and organised it into a powerful force to reckon with in the
field of Education is history well documented.The dream of Archbhisop took
concrete shape
Continuing further his plan for him , deputed him for higher Education and
appointed him as the Principal of St Xaviers where he excelled in
continuing the traditions and lifted St Xaviers to greater heights of
excellence  in all fields His crucial choice in the scheme has been
rewarding experience as a visionary to spread Educatuon
Needless to emphasize how Village schools  have provided vertical rise  to
the aspiration of masses to rise professionally in every field of human
endeavour.The honour and credit is attributed to the Vision of Archbishop
grand design.DSE
is a jewel in the crown of Educational field of  the Archdiocese  of
Goa.Unfortinayely his   pioneering impetus for Kon medium schools and
admiration for the language did not  reach the goals  envisaged.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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