The Truth of link with the  powerful had to be hidden   at all costs .He  
travelled    750 kms  undetected on an  open road in a car not through some 
jungle tract  .He used the same phone which was verified later  by app, His 
favourite jaunt to Makali temple on Ujain was well known but no surveillance at 
all .He  was suspected by a flower vendor and tipped to private security guard 
who  in  turn contacted Ujain  police post .The credit goes to MP police how?

It was shocking how a  dreaded criminal was not handcuffed at all  It is not a 
lapse the plot was well rehearsed  for certain .How could he have dared to take 
on  unarmed  massive  force  on  high alert  .No fool will swallow this 
concocted  story of cold blooded encounter
While  no tears be shed  for  his  demise at the hands  of police in 
retaliation  for brutality and plot to burn the bodies,the plot thickens 
There was need to cover up the truth
of police  involvelment with  links to powerful  politicians in UP .The killing 
of BJP minister   inside police station  and 25 police turning hostile, Dubey 
wasacquitted   .How an individual with scores  of criminal charges walked free 
for so long  from  arms of law is a wonder
With Dubey silenced the links will  remain a secret and death of fellow police 
will cry in vain. Dead Dubey tells no tales
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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