Elevation of Justice Joseph reserved

The Govt has split the recommendations by okaying one judge and withholding
the appointment of another. It sat on it for four long months to make the
recommendations. The suggestions made are that Judge Joseph is at 42 in
seniority list at all India list and that there is over representation of
Kerela besides many HC  and states have been ignored. There is hidden
reason because of uncomfortable decision of judge  Josep in Utarakand
judgement .The collegium has been unanimous in his recommendations
emphasizing his merit .The argument of Govt spokesman was that seniority
also deserves consideration .The earlier recommendations of collegium have
unequivocally stressed on merit as the most important considerations .The
BJP Govt is hiding behind its right to make suggestion by dividing the
Collegium The collegium in response needs to reiterate its recommendations
and one of Judges of S.C has urged the Chief Justice and collegium to
reiterate its decision by reconvening the collegium The Govt will be bound
and has no  alternative in such circumstances to abide by the decision
reconsidered by Collegium. The right to appoint judges is the prerogative
of the SC collegium

Unnecessary tussle is developing between Govt and S.C The rejection of
impeachment proceedings are to be seen in this light The Govt is indirectly
favouring committed judges It is an interesting development seen as means
of strangulating all systems of administrations

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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