Enticement and politics of survival

Finally as expected GFP has entered  into marriage of convenienve with
Congress .whether it us inducement, enticement  it matters little.A
candidate without central aithorization was foisted into Fatorda
race.Naturally the king of Fatirda was peeved  and rubbed in a wrong way.
After winning the same Congress sought his support.It was understandable
that his support was conditional for not crowning his bet moire.Hence
ambition and revenge made him embrace BJP.He extracted his  pound of flesh
and got his 3 MLA s into  position  of power and one has ditched him .In
politics and war there are no permanent enemies and friends. We have seen
unbelievable ,unholy alliances and MLA,s resigning and making friends with
their sworn enemies. The Congress veteran has ditched Congress like Judas
by accepting the post in Raja Sabha in his dying moments of political
sunset. ONE present MP is vexing eloquent when he himself for the post of
CM switched loyalties to BJP
Does anything more be sad of 10 Congress men who   embraced lock  stock and
barrel into  BJP. MAUVIN and Viswajit have made glorious history for power.
MGP A communal party which once wanted to destroy identity by merger  and
whose electoral fortunes are a cobjecturec has made common cause with TMC
Few principled men have resigned in protest but others have sided and
accompanied the pide pipers and as expressed follow the leader. Remember
Luizinho deserted Congress to join Goa Congress. and yet enjoyed
privileges  of INC  .Politicians have changed parties and formed parties as
easily as changing shirts From where did Margao strongman come
from?Aspiring candidates will be jumping chickens to obtain their pound of
flesh and hence there is nothing sacrosanct about their philosophies or
loyalty and    permanent allegiance  It is mere Wishful thinking in the
realm of speculations. Can we say with certainties that dilly  dallying
Reginaldo is an ideal politician who will not jump the ship and so far  is
a pure breed of its kind?
The politicians have their plans fully cut out for  self preservation  at a
cost.It is only the foolish voters who are left to lick the wounds of
permanent allegiance and continue on enimical terms with neighbours and
friends defending their allegiance and masters
Politicians who have been sworn enemies and even fought pitched , electoral
battles and    lost are seen into embrace of forgive and forget  All is
well at least for tome being
I wish that someone still provide a gun  to Dr Collaco to have his sweet
revenge, Wonder what is his present predicament
Is it funny that yesterday's politicians who made common cause with BJP
have entered into Congress fold with open arm policy.If you thought old
politicians are in the habit  of cross  fertilization what about Pratima
has she caught the virus too.? Need we talk about Ravi Naik whose sons
entry was a precursor to his own.Wait and watch smSr Rane  searching an
excuse of hurt sentiment to follow his son. Ex Msharashtra CM was at his
residence for a courtesesy visit so it seems Old foggies entrenched in
Congress is it bane and downfal
LUIZINHO his heart and soul became young just because two hundred voters
forced him to contest and so he forgot young blood  to rejuvenate Congress
The voters will do well and insulate their conscience only by changing
their permanent allegiance to party and candidates in the same fashion .The
ludicrous part of politics is that the very same voters have shifted their
allegiance to the jumping chickens  and that is the strength of follow the
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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