All evil qualities and actions proceed from anger. If you can 
eradicate anger, all bad qualities will die by themselves. 
Anger begets eight kinds of vices: injustice, rashness, 
persecution, jealousy, taking possession of others’ property, 
killing, harsh words and cruelty. When a man’s desire is not 
gratified and when one stands in the way of its fulfillment, 
the man becomes angry. The desire gets transmuted into anger. 
When one is under the sway of anger, he will commit all sorts 
of sinful deeds. He loses his memory; his understanding 
becomes clouded; and his intellect gets perverted.
 Never do anything thattaints your mind. 
Wrong actions cause negative or evil 
mental vibrations that are reflected in your 
whole appearance and personality. Engage in 
those actions and thoughts that nurture the 
good qualities you want to have.
(Sri Paramahansa Yogananda)

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Goa-launch of the well-received *Into The Diaspora
Wilderness* by Selma Carvalho on Aug 29, 2010 (Sunday) at 11
am at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao. Meet the author, buy a signed
copy (only Rs 295 in Goa till stock lasts).

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