students  on unprecedented long vacations

The Ed Dept can only think of teachers and how to  harass them keep them 
engaged  as they are paid and  hence subject  their functioning to their whims 
and fancies .Deploy them to conduct surveys, and similarly on election related  
duties   depriving vacations and totally alien to their dedication of academics 
.The recent case of ordering them to report to schools against central  
directives is unjustified and unreasonable   , when  the 
students are absent. Has the school made  special arrangements for their online 
process?  Why subject them to risks  of infections by daily travel ? Has 
everyone their  own transport?  Can they not do it from  safe confines of their 
homes when most   employees adopt this process?  Do managements need to keep  
check on physical presence by not trusting integrity of their staff?
Online method has to be perfected with technical facilities, skills,and 
continuity, regularity of internet. What about those who cannot afford this 
means of communications?  All students are not in love with studies .They are 
forced by parents . Who will supervise them with working parents and uneducated 
some?  It is difficult to arrest their attention span of 35 min duration   in  
schools  under strict supervision and unchecked their  concentration easily 
fluctuates. To remain glued to online transmissions however effective. is a 
natter of speculations Students who are mature enough and have goal 
ofdetermination  and purpose  for self direction  are a minuscule few
Online may work with higher class students  from  Std X onwards but  even then 
efficacy has to be verified .The period of long holidays often is unproductive 
for students to sustain interest in studies ,hence there is need to keep them  
fruitfully occupied and to that extent also teaching staff and not because  
they are paid  monthly  remuneration
Without personal physical  contact, monitoring, evaluations on line may be a 
difficult proposition at school level and specially at lower levels with no 
feed back on slow learners and other learning disabilities 
The current circumstances are very dangerous for spread of deadly , fatal 
infections and students cannot be subjected to such risks of regular attendance 
with poor facilities
Life is more important than preoccupation with studies , careers with serious 
consequences. Hence loss of an  academic   year is not an end of the road until 
and unless a vaccine will ensure safety of young population Stop gap 
arrangements are temporary to tide over situations and not an answeror   

nelson lopes Chinchinim

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