Marbrouk! as one says in this part of the world...
Thanks to Rico, (Oops! Frederick to most) I have benefited, gleaned knowledge & 
information even if, as Rico puts it and I admit,.....I belong to the 
"passively read" though I assure you all that I avidly read......
Enjoyed the articles, thoughts & writings of the many writers on this Forum - 
congratulations to all!
Wowow! As usual, Rico, you always surprise me just as you did when you were a 
tiny tot ... quite a thought provoking introductory para left in mid air 
.....and .... loved your last two "closing" lines! Looks like you had the same 
English teacher as I  - "one needs to start well in the first para & end well 
in the last."  She probably forgot to say anything, or deliberately did not say 
anything about the paras in between.....  but you did here - I mean the mind 
boggles - GoaNet I & GoaNet II - are you kidding about the kids? - you should 
have  opted for Goemnet (male) & Goemnette (female) presuming the kids made up 
a pair!! 
All the best! Looking forward to the next few years & the first real 
celebration of this Forum when it reaches its Silver Jubilee!
Congratulations once again!

> From:
> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 15:40:19 +0530
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet-News] Goanet at 18 years
> See more posts:
> Dear all:
> If Herman had not posted this, I would have surely missed the date! Is
> this as bad as forgetting your wedding anniversary or your partner's
> birthday? :-) Anyway, in this tangle of human emotions that makes up
> Goanet, I won't risk probing further....
> The real credit for keeping Goanet going should go to each and every
> one of its members. Those who have posted, debated, shared news,
> passively read, disagreed, signed-up, lost patience, critiqued us,
> given off-list feedback, added value, whatever...
> On this anniversary, let me once again share a couple of links that
> Alberto G. Gomes, PhD, wrote on Goanet!
> Keeping Goanet going was the easy part, specially after everyone
> starts believing in the self-fulfilling benefits of sharing bits and
> bytes for information -- which you never know whom it might benefit
> where. But without the participation of everyone, it would have been
> impossible.
> Of course, to Herman (now, Dr Herman) goes full credit that he
> recognised the potential of turning a simple, inexpensive technical
> tool like a mailing-list used then mostly by techies, into an arena
> for community networking. This, mind you, was quite some time before
> Googlegroups came on the scene and Yahoogroups became quite a giant
> after buying up Egroups, if I recall my cyberhistory right.
> Goanet may have failed in its "agenda" of shaping itself as an excuse
> for more cybermatrimonials happening. (The closest I came to this, was
> an email from a you-know-me-but-you-don't-know
> -who's-writing-to-you-right-now, promising an invite to his/her wedding.
> The invite didn't show up, so I never got to know who was pulling my
> leg, alas ... )
> But, on the other hand, at least we have one exceptional couple that
> not only met on Goanet, got married (if I recall, the offer for a live
> rendering of the honeymoon wasn't taken to too kindly), and even named
> their kids GoaNet I and GoaNet II. That's how it used to be spelt in
> those days... and these are their middle-names only, so you probably
> wouldn't be able to cross-check my claim here!
> I'd like to thank everyone who put in time on this long journey and
> made Goanet possible. From Tim D'Mello, who wrote a letter in Gomantak
> Times, alerting me to the existence of Goanet in 1995; to Vishwas Chavan
> who used to post news out of Goa when so few had email access here;
> Eddie Fernandes, who then as now had an immense ability to scour
> cyberspace for Goa-related links; GoaCom (specially Marlon, but also
> Tim and John from Ca, Jerry in Miramar, Freddy Faria and Maryln -- the
> first webdesigners to work out of Goa! -- also Arati and Luiza) which
> hosted us for quite some time; the early Goanetters who were there
> before me (including Kendy Menezes, Samir Kelekar, and the "kids" --
> no longer -- of Indian envoy in many countries, Placido D'Souza of
> Anjuna/Pune); Uly Menezes, Gasper Almeida and Goa-World in the Gulf;
> Joel D'Souza who regularly posted news; Selma and the late Dr. Cornel
> DaCosta who helped with the summaries; Vivanne Coelho who was a
> moderator for a decade or more; our other moderators present and past
> Avelino Fernandes, Sunila Muzawar, Tariq Sidiqui; Christina who has
> helped with the cybermatrimonials; Bosco who deserves a Nobel Prize
> for Patience; and everyone else who helped in every way.
> For me, personally, Goanet boosted my faith in the belief that it's
> possible -- still -- to sustain social capital-building projects. Over
> long years, without an emphasis or fear where the money will come
> from, or while overruling the inevitability that journalists will just
> remain paid hacks always struggling to express their views.
> Without Goanet, it would have been impossible to even imagine a
> BytesForAll (which functioned for a decade), Docuwallahs2 (still going
> strong, in various parts of India) or even Goa,1556 (making a
> difference in the real world... I'd like to believe). At the end of
> the day, we owe a lot to Goanet. I'd like to see it as the cyber-kudds
> of the 21st century, and also our own version of the miracle of loaves
> and fishes. Everyone ate, and there's still so much going round....
> even if our shortcomings are there.
> FN
> --
> FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436
> Books from Goa,1556
> Audio recordings (mostly from Goa):

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