
In addition to the dance ane contradance, did you know that there was also a 7-A side one day football tournament on the 1st and 2nd day of the convention.

Were people kept busy like CRABS for SHEKSHEK and is it true that the organisers were busy pulling/inviting the delegates on the grounds.

Kesoleh Goenkar reh amee? Xikon korun brutt?

Shee baba!



From: oscarlo...@.....

Hello Mario,

Thank you for a copy of your e-mail of 22 November 2010.

Were you there for the GGC 2010, please?

Did you know that there was a dance on the first day of the convention and organised by a group of Goans in the same hotel?

Where were you for the convention or the dance or contradance.

Kind Regards

Oscar C. Lobo

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