From: The CSF []
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 2:38 AM
To: Ashley Dsilva
Subject: Mumbai's Wellingdon Catholic Colony Sold-out

Dear Friend in Christ,

For those not from Mumbai or Catholic, feel free to ignore this email.

Here is a request to those who are not Mumbai-centric Catholics, as this issue is nearer to them. But is an eye-opener for any Christian, even as property scams & scandals by Christians are taking center stage. We are degenerating into Christians in name, without in Spirit being Christians. How else would one account for deals, in which the needy are deprived of justice & their rights, even as a few Christians remain unanswerable for their nefarious deeds?

This is a case where a few Catholics have set a bad example, rather than be the light to the world or salt of the earth. We not only need to be alert about the forces outside, but also the Enemy within. Please pray for those who are being used by the Evil One and also those fighting against injustice, for when Hundreds Crores of Rupees are involved, the danger for those fighting against such forces is high.

In HIM - Joe Dias


The Catholic Secular Forum (The CSF), led hundreds of parishners, begining with a prayer by Fr. Conrad Saldanha of Sacred Heart Church in Santacruz West, after the 8 am religious service. The protest march from the church went into the Wellingdon Catholic Colony to express solidarity with the inmates - many of who are senior citizens and home bound. This was necessitated because the Bombay Catholic Co-op Society, which manages the 5.5 acre prime property on SV Road, had sold out to one, Sumer Associates to develop the colony. Sad but true, some of our very own are involved in the scam. The CSF team's finding are presented below:

Background: Over 34 acres of property acquired around 1917 to be developed as community land by our ancestors – complete with a church, school, convent, gymkhana, residences, etc. Now, around 6 acres, valued at over Rs. 600 crores is sold for a song (Rs. 70 crores) by the Society, destroying not just the heritage value, but putting hundreds of senior citizens on the streets to fend for themselves.

Who is Responsible: The office-bearers of the Society, most of who do not live there in the Catholic Colony and who have been in Court with the tenants, living on the property for years have in an illegal, not transparent move entered into a deal with one, Sumer Associates, who have overnight turned the colony into a jail. Apart from being illegal, the rush and amount of pressurizing the Society went into, makes it very suspect. All the stakeholders, did not know anything until they received a notice for a special general meeting on 6th December, 2009. It was a hurried meeting, conducted by Frederick Noronha which voted for Sumer Associates, in so hushed a manner, that even the Registrar’s representative, was asked to keep out. His report is worth reading highlights the nefarious going-ons.

To highlight just 2 important observations of The CSF Investigations, arrived at after talking to a number of residents and going through hundreds of documents:

• The deal with Sumer Associates is highly suspicious because of the way it was done. For instance, even before the Society members voted, the Society adjudicated the deal on 5th December, which means they were in touch to pay the stamp duty much before the special general meeting. On 7th December, inspite of around 50 members objecting, they signed the conveyance & on 8th December, they registered it. Further, the Society even indemnified Sumer Associates of many lapses. Not to mention the fact that one, hitherto unknown Robin Homes was brought into picture, inspite of the Society being in litigation with another builder. Only about 200 of the around 800 member attended the meeting.

• About 100 armed men and notorious looking characters were seen in the colony. They were checking every visitor and even threatened parents of the St. Teresa’s Convent students, one of whom, we were given to understand, even complained to the police. We ourselves were subjected to searches and did not object because we were mortally afraid, looking at the characters around. Sumer Associates has illegally started unauthorized construction and put building material in the colony to inconvenience the residents.

Preserving Catholic Identity: The vision of our forefathers, when they developed the Wellingdon properties was that the prayer of Jesus - "Father that all might be one" - which is the need of the hour. Over a hundred years later - greed, selfishness & return on investment dominates, to the detriment of our lesser fortunate brethren. Even the old, sick & homebound are not spared. The CSF feels, the community needs to stand in solidarity, to fight the Society office-bearers who have brought about this sad state of affairs. It seems only the office-bearers stand to benefit, while all other stakeholders lose. There are builders from within the community, who can offer more, but they were not consulted. The Church could take the initiative to develop it. Now, its just like Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, we have modern-day Judases who sell community land for Rs.70 crores – a sell-out, which should not be tolerated....

Those interested in joining the cause, do get in touch: +91 9769 55 56 57

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