Fancy Dress Competition, will be held on 9th November, 2007, at the Indian 
Community (Senior) School, Salmiya, Kuwait, during the GOA DAY 2007 function, 
organised by the Goan Welfare Society, in association with other Goan 
Clubs/Organisations, for Adult Males and Females, hailing from the State of 
Three prizes will be awarded to winners. Names of winners will be announced and 
prizes will be awarded on the same day. 
Last date to submit the entry form duly filled in, is October 31st, 2007. 
Particulars of participants with *Name, 
*Permanent address in Goa, 
*Brief particulars of character to be enacted in the Fancy Dress competition, 
*Contact in Kuwait: Telephone/Mobile and Email, 
may be sent to GWS on email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], or alternatively, the entry 
forms may be handed over to any of the GWS committee members or participating 
Goan Clubs/Organisations committee members, so as to reach the organisers, not 
later than 31st October, 2007. 
For more information , please contact after 5.00 pm on Tel Nos. 2429435/7065878 
(Mr. Wilson Coelho), 5634064/9500625 (Mr Sydney Furtado, 5658661 (Mrs Philo 
Rebelo), 7676528/2655482 (Mrs Muriel Alphonso), 5642160/6662734 (Mrs Sharon De 
Sousa), 7165438 (Mr. Cajetan Pereira.
With kind regards,
Rabindra Pimenta,
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