Happy New Year to everyone that chose to read this email blast...its now 2013.  
Wow, five years ago on January 8th at 3am in the wee hours of the morning The 
Jazz Network was birthed.  It came out of a well-spring of creative worry.  
Yes, worry.  I had moved to Las Vegas to work on a movie and when I got here, 
climbing over boxes, I got word the movie got canceled.  Can you say shock? I 
had no idea what I was going to do in a city that I knew no one with my mother 
and daughter in tow.   All of a sudden I had to be creative, out of a worried 
heart.  I couldn't sleep out of concern as to how I was to support my family.  
I was humbled.  Cleaning out my spam file almost ready to hit delete I spotted 
an invite from a social network in TV and Film (which I was in for 8 years 
prior).  Someone kept my email and invited me...I clicked on it, navigated it, 
thought the concept was 'cooll' yet it seemed boring to me.  I saw a link that 
said 'create your own network' and I hit 
 it, I had nothing to lose.  Here I was, staring at the screen plopping in 
info, added some colors and when I realized what I was doing, it came to my 
surprise it had no name.  I remember looking up to the sky and saying "if you 
want me to do this, give me a name....and I immediately heard "call it The Jazz 
Network".  Bingo! I took a shot, I invited all my friends in my address book 
and closed down my computer and went to bed with an inquisitive heart.  The 
next morning I woke up to over 200 of my friends that supported this creative 
worry and I thought to myself "Oh Lord, what did I just start, I guess I need 
to figure this out, create "a great place to hang" for all of us that love real 
jazz, understand its history, care to uplift those minds of those that need 
encouragement in keeping the groove alive'...lol.  So I did it.  I found a way, 
I trusted my worried heart and took the steps it called for.  It was like 
hearing a song for the first time that you wanted to le
 arn how to play.


The network took a lot of twists and turns, I put in a lot of sweat equity.  I 
put whatever money I had into it because I believed that we really had 
something here.  I contacted every musician I knew that I respected and asked 
for their support in leading this journey right into home....they all helped 
me. Believed in me.  I felt supported.  I realized that I started something I 
needed to finish.  It's taken a lot time, effort and growth to make this a 
community that has integrity for the music and all the subsets that keep it 
thriving.  I hope that you all have enjoyed the artistry that has come through, 
that felt the importance of being put in front of such an elite group of 
masterful jazz enthusiasts.  Till this day, I don't think that everyone has 
realized how many incredible sources are here, that if you would sincerely 
study the amazing professionals gathered here you would all be amazed as well 
as revenue build your artistic endeavors.  If you use the search b
 ar, it will become a database for you to find just what you are looking for, 
try it you'll like it!!


Last year, I decided to ask all of you to offer a monthly fee of $2, or an 
annual fee of $19.95 (resulting in $1.66 a month) to help me grow us further, 
so I could enlist help to make all the off-shoots created a further reality for 
you and your opportunities in jazz.  Some of you immediately jumped on this 
support and others balked.  I felt you. Even still my heart told me to do it so 
I could sustain this community with integrity and to help us grow.  I ask to 
you please renew your subscriptions and get involved in a new way in 2013.  I 
need your help.  Breathe life into your pages here and take a chance and 
contact those you normally wouldn't be able to get on the phone.   I have to 
admit, there are many musicians that approach me daily to be the featured 
artist here, for they see value in being put in front of such an amazing 
community to be heard and discovered.  Radio broadcasters enjoy the new artists 
as well as the seasoned professionals that offered their new p
 rojects to an audience that would be ecstatic to hear new music.  Managers, 
agents, jazz festivals, clubs, educators, please scan the great artistry and 
give these hard working musicians and students the chance to be heard and 
encouraged in the marketplace by your expertise.  I am here to bring you mine, 
to help you shine, get that "google face' you might not have and to recognize 
your uniqueness before our community.  Reach for me.


I would like to thank Concord Music Group for being one of our major labels 
bringing their great artistry to us with their new releases and reissues.  It 
is such a joy to work with them and promote such musical excellence.  To all 
the artists that have taken the chance to be brought to the forefront, I 
commend you and thank you for trusting our community to give you the kudos you 


I will continue to push forward, executing the wonderful off-shoots that will 
benefit all of you on every level.  My mind is always in creative mode.  My 
tireless efforts come from my heritage, love for jazz and its artistry and the 
constant reminder that the heartbeat of this 'great place to hang' is my 


Keep believing in me, I promise to give you my best, find new artists, new 
opportunities to ignite the best in you before a wonderful family of jazz.  
Please use the invite button to ask your friends to come to the fold and help 
me keep jazz alive with the heartbeat I've been given.  Happy 5th Anniversary 
to us all.







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