From: b sabha <>

Jun 26 2016 : Mirror (Mumbai)
Yogesh Naik and Kunal Guha

Former cop Alex Fialho recounts how he captured Mumbai's most dreaded serial 
killer, who brutally slayed 42 Mumbaikars
Anurag Kashyap's recent release may not be based on him, but it borrows the 
name of Mumbai's notori ous serial killer Raman Raghav. Dubbed `The Ripper', 
Raghav left a trail of horrific murders along the Central and Western suburbs 
that had an entire city on the verge of a nervous breakdown in the 1960s. When 
Mirror reached out to the man responsible for capturing the dreaded criminal in 
1968, retired cop Alex Fialho's first response was, “Unfortunately, he died 
before me.“

The 86-year-old Fialho, then a PSI with the Mumbai Police, distinctly remembers 
the chaos wrecked by the man who admitted to have murdered 42 people over a 
period of six years. Raghav's killings terrorised Mumbaikars to such an extent 
that most streets in the Western suburbs were deserted after dark and night 
shows at cinema halls ran to empty screens.“Even the local trains were 
practically empty beyond Andheri till the end of the Western line, since most 
of the murders were committed in the Western suburbs in `6768,“ he says, adding 
that Raghav had been active for a couple of years in the Central suburbs of 
Mulund and Ghatkopar prior to this.

Mumbai's police commissioner at the time, a soft spoken Jewish gentleman called 
Emmanuel Sumitra Modak, was the one to bear the brunt for these heinous crimes 
as he was regularly questioned by politicians and the press on his strategy to 
capture this monster on the loose. “He (Modak) would settle down for breakfast 
each morning in his chambers, and then receive a call from some police station 
or the other, with the same message, `Sir, murder',“ says Fialho, who joined 
the force in 1948, and was deputed to the Crime Branch for seven years before 
being transferred.

When an eye witness reported that the suspected murderer was committing the 
brutal assaults in the garb of a sadhu complete with a beard, every sadhu or 
bearded man in the city was looked upon suspicion; some of the genuine sadhus 
even went underground to avoid the wrath of an enraged and terrified public. “A 
thousand cops were assigned on a daily basis to scope the Western suburbs every 
evening for suspicious characters and those who matched the description based 
on the details on record,“ he says, adding, “We would be out the entire night 
with only one restriction: no smoking, as it could alert him that he's being 
watched by someone who could haul him up. If you wanted to have a drink, you 
could, but no smoking.“

The Deputy Commissioner at the time, Sami Iyer (yesteryear pop diva Usha 
Uthup's father), Fialho remembers, was like a godfather to the force, as most 
could consult him. “He would say that before the ink dries on the pad, there's 
another murder. So, we need to get this guy early and stop him.“

Commissioner Modak's directive to his team was to reach out to all informants 
and turn over the unique features of the murders to find a clue that could help 
pin him. “But to get informants to divulge any information, you had to pay 
them. Sometimes, we had to pay from our own pocket because the government 
doesn't give you anything. I am sorry to say, but the position of the police 
was very bad then. We had to rely on raw information and follow up on every 
tipoff,“ says Fialho, who was a PSI for 20 years before being promoted.

But the most fateful day in Fialho's life was in the September of 1968. Posted 
at the Dongri police station at the time, he was on his way to work one 
morning, at 8 am, when he saw a man who fitted Raghav's description approach 
him. Having done a detailed study and having carried his photograph in his 
pocket for years, Fialho couldn't be more cer tain. “But I didn't want to 
intercept him right away unless I was absolutely certain. Also, I wanted to see 
his reaction to me being in uniform. He crossed me and gave me a sarcastic look 
and walked past me.“

Noticing the suspect's calm demeanour Fialho's conviction was dampened. “I 
fished out his photograph from my pocket and in a flash I could tell his eyes 
were the same.“

The anxious PSI quickly turned around and followed his suspect, hoping to nab 
him before he crossed the Bhindi Bazaar junction to cross over to Sardar 
Vallabhbhai Patel Road, where he could easily blend into the crowd. Luckily, 
his suspect hadn't made it far. “I went up to him and tapped him on the back 
and said, `Mere saath aa jaao, thoda kaam hain'. He willingly obliged.“ 
Noticing his wet umbrella, even though it wasn't raining, Fialho was puzzled. 
His detained suspect explained that he was coming from Chincholi, Malad, where 
it was raining. “And that is when my doubts were confirmed; we had information 
that he was last seen 10 days ago by a woman who resided in Malad. Also, her 
description of his clothes -a blue shirt, blue khakhi shorts and brown canvas 
shoes -matched.“ Fialho took his detainee to the police quarters in Dongri for 
interrogation. On being asked to identify himself, he introduced himself as 
“Sindhi Dalvai“, a beggar from Malad who had committed petty thefts in 
neighbourhood shanties. Fialho knew that this was one of the seven-eight 
aliases Raghav had used in the past. “Then I gave him one stunning rap and told 
him, `Hum tere ko Raman Raghav ke naam se janta hain'.“ Then Fialho handed him 
the file photograph and asked him if he could identify the person. “He slipped 
on a pair of spectacles to carefully scan the photo and said, `Saab, mere jaisa 
hi dikhta hain, par main nahin hain.Yeh aur koi hain'.“ While Fialho was 
certain, since his suspect “didn't have the slightest fright in his face“, he 
summoned the fingerprint experts from the Police Head Office in Crawford Market 
for confirmation. Since Raghav had been previously arrested and convicted for 
petty crimes, his prints and other details were on record with the Modus 
Operandi Bureau of the Crime Branch. The prints were a clear match and the 
spectacles Raghav had momentarily slipped on, as was later established, 
belonged to a school principal that he had murdered a week ago.

Fialho, who had nabbed the deadly killer unarmed, shares that he “wasn't one 
bit scared“ as he had thoroughly searched Raghav during his detention and 
hadn't found any weapon on him.“Raghav's weapon of choice for most of his 
murders was a crowbar which was custom-made by a mechanic in Kurla -shaped like 
a car cranking handle -the longer part would be in his hand and the shorter 
part he used to strike his victims. He always went for the head. At his 
interrogation, he explained, `Ek marenge toh kabhi uthega nahin'.“

Once Raghav's identity had been confirmed, the daunting task for Fialho was to 
hand him over to the Crime Branch without the news of his capture going 
public.“If people around knew that Raman Raghav had been caught, they would 
murder him right there. So, I discreetly called for my jeep without even 
telling the driver about the convict we were transporting and took him to the 
Dongri Police Station.“

At the station, Fialho asked his team to lock up the station to avoid 
intruders, called his night duty cops as reinforcements, and waited for the 
commissioner and his team to arrive. “A crowd had gathered outside as word had 
gotten out that we've nabbed the man. But within minutes, Modak arrived, along 
with PI Vinayakrao Vakatkar, and we handed him over.They took him to the Crime 
Branch and gave him a little bit of the fireworks. He admitted to all the 

While Raghav was convicted, he wasn't sentenced as the judge declared him 
mentally unsound.“There were three psychiatrists who examined him and certified 
that he was not fit to be convicted since he could not give us any plausible 
explanation for his horrific crimes.So it was decided that he should be kept 
under observation till such a time that he was able to tell us why he was 
committing these murders,“ says Fialho, before presenting his alternative 
theory, “But he was no lunatic. When he was previously arrested, he was 
convicted for petty theft that only he would commit in hutment areas -where 
there were no doorways -so he could walk in, do his business and walk out, 
which proves that his mind could reason.“

Raghav was initially confined to Arthur Road Jail and later moved to Yerwada 
Jail in Pune, where he died in 1995.


Raman Raghav had one brother and four sisters.

He could only speak in Kannada and Hindi.

He came to Mumbai in 1950 at the age of 20 and worked in various mills and 
later as a la bourer.

He was to be married to Guruamma, his sister's daughter, but the alliance fell 
through as her father refused to perform the ceremony.

A reward of Rs 1000 for anyone providing any clue about Raghav was announced as 
the prestige of the Mumbai Police was at stake. This reward was given to Sub 
Inspector Fialho after Raghav's capture.

During the interrogation, Raghav confessed that his father taught him to steal 
and that he received “a telephone call from above“ to carry out the murders. He 
said that since courts often let off guilty persons, he, therefore, had orders 
from `above' to dispense justice.

Raghav sold the goods he stole for as less as 2-4 annas.

Since the English press was on strike at the time of Raghav's capture, news of 
the serial killer's arrest only appeared in Hindi and Marathi newspapers.




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