Fortunate to face

Fortunate  , prepared  with grace to face
Eventually the creator to embrace
Sure and certain  that end on sight
Every measure tried abandon the fight

The sacrament  anoints with strength  and grace
peacefully, calmly the inevitable to face
Accepting  reality the loss of life’s race
Earthly abode. not final resting place

Planned goodbye , farewell to detail last
Praise worthy life, no regrets of past
exhausted the limits , elasticity of mind
Courage, strength  will always remind

The dear and loved ones in agony and pain
Medically tried to restore health  again
At times  nothing works blundering in dark
God alone  can provide hope of spark

With great honour  to rest laid,
The mourners  in droves last respect paid,
Passing away of loved one fills with tears
Fond memories will linger over years

Your example in life ,our  steps guide,
By your wisdom, experience will abide ,

unseen, unheard you walk side by side.
The sorrow in absence cannot hide 

body  alone lies buried in grave
Death is not the end mighty and brave
Fond   memories  we treasure and save
The hope ,light you gave our path pave. 

As years pass,  best of memories fade
In intensity , colour and shade
Somehow, sometimes it is natural to forget
The heart aches, the mind revels  on regret

No end to means,  to ,remember,  or keep alive
The pleasant memories linger and survive
Faith and belief , prayers can touch
The  ones we miss and love so much

Parents , Children , partner absence feel 
Grandchildren are last  of family wheel
Our existence then  slowly ebb and end 
Our name at best some faint signals send

Nelson Lopes. Chinchinim

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