Francis leaves a trail

Our son Francis left fast and soon,
Creating darkness ;gloom at noon,
Destiny and God's plan   has its  way,
As mortals we can accept but have no say

 Family  blessed  with immense joy,
Rejoiced with  3 girls and after 11 years birth of a boy
Life was filled with fun and happiness for 28 years
A flash of lightening brought flood of tears

Helplessly watched  nothing more to be done
The agony and torture that he will be gone
Never did he  regain  consciousness again
The prayers and medical aid  were in vain

Wished back to restore to health and nurse ,,
God knows best  whether it's punishment or curse
His  brief life  has left a blazing trail,
Lamentations ,grieving is of no avail.

The parents and sisters  are drowned in  sorrow,
No hopes to look  for a better tomorrow  ,
Follow   my path   shoulder burdens of cross
Joys and sorrows  abound  in life all across

Consolation that life has still sweet moments to  recall
God Almighty whispered  and Francis  obeyed  His call
 Eternal  loss to face  to accept and be brave
The yearnings of missing Francis will only end in grave
19 9.2022

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