Choice of freedom can be fettered
The lockdown and stay  at home has bored pleasure seeking individuals ,confined 
to a  state of absolute    denial of self
Hence they desire freedom and liberty as a matter of choice,
While respecting their decision , the fall out on those following strictly the 
guidelines must also be respected .Those taking preventive measures of safety 
from asymptomatic persons cannot be exposed to life threatening risks. It will  
be more than fair and just that such deviant individuals bear the consequences 
of their  free will and bear all financial consequences. The state resources 
cannot be expected to be frittered away on such wayward  irresponsible persons 
.The freedom of choice including freedom  of death are personal choice by design
The guidelines not to venture out unless absolutely required are  not difficult 
to fathom, specially when selfish individuals concoct urgency to suit their 
design of pleasures and liberty. Once again social protection of stay at home,  
 maintaining distances, use masks are neither harsh , draconian   or 
unreasonable  restrictions of  containment but timely and essential. On the 
other hand stigmatising patients and  other frontline  workers  need to be 
nipped in the bud  . The tirade against warriors of health, must be summarily 
dealt with without any mercy
Disobedience to public health and order is not subservient to individuals  
notions of freedom and liberty and personal interpretations
nelson lopes Chinchinim

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