Full text: Boycott Vedanta-sponsored Jaipur lit fest's London edition,
writers urged in open letter The mining company has been implicated in
international human rights violations, claims a letter signed by dozens of
writers, academics and activists. [image: Full text: Boycott
Vedanta-sponsored Jaipur lit fest's London edition, writers urged in open
letter] Image credit:  Facebook/Jaipur Literature Festival

An open letter
signed by dozens of academics, authors and activists around the world has
urged writers to reconsider attending the Vedanta Jaipur Literature
Festival London 2016, saying the event's title sponsor is infamous for
human rights violations around the world.

"Are you aware that Vedanta's activities are destroying the lives of
thousands of people in Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan,
Karnataka and Punjab and also in Zambia, South Africa and Australia?" the
message asks prospective participants.

Vedanta Resources is metals and mining company headquartered in London, and
has often been under scrutiny
for its human rights and environmental record. The allegations against it
include dangerous working conditions, destruction of crops, unlawful
exports and widespread environmental damage, among others.

The letter points to accidents at the company's factories, its
irregularities in obtaining environmental clearances and its efforts to
out-muscle locals in legal battles, citing examples from Chhattisgarh,
Odisha, Goa and Rajasthan. It claims Vedanta is trying to "create
favourable public opinion" by sponsoring events such as the Jaipur lit fest
and the International Film Festival of India.

The letter notes that "literature does not exist in a vacuum" and that
writers and artists "also have responsibilities". It urges writers to
"withdraw from involvement in this discredited and damaging PR campaign,
rather than lending [their] name to it".

Here is the full text of the letter:

Dear All,

We are deeply shocked and dismayed to hear that you have agreed to
participate at the Jaipur Literature Festival claiming to be "The Greatest
Literary Show on Earth <https://jaipurliteraturefestival.org/>" which has 'the
world's most hated company
Vedanta as its key sponsor. Are you aware that Vedanta's activities are
destroying the lives of thousands of people in Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Goa,
Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Punjab and also in Zambia, South
Africa and Australia? Are you also aware that Zambian villagers are
currently taking Vedanta subsidiary KCM to court in the UK, accusing it of
consistently poisoning their water over the last decade

In 2011 Zambian High Court Judge Phillip Musonda said he wanted to make an
example of Vedanta for their 'gross recklessness' in polluting the River
Kafue without remorse, and highlighted 'KCM's don't care attitude whether
human life which sacrosanct in our constitution was lost or not.' In 2014
Vedanta 69% owner and Chairman Anil Agarwal was caught on video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98yKosnwb-Y> bragging to businessmen at a
Bangalore conference that he had bought the Zambian copper mines at a
fraction of their value and was making $500 million each year despite
declaring a loss in Zambia. The Zambian government reacted by auditing the
mines, and discovered vast tax evasion schemes and asset stripping

In Korba, Chhattisgarh, India between 40 and 100 workers
<http://www.d-sector.com/article-det.asp?id=1103> died at Vedanta
subsidiary BALCO's aluminium smelter complex when a chimney under
construction collapsed on them in September 2009. The subsequent judicial
inquiry into the incident found Vedanta guilty of negligence and using
sub-standard materials and construction methods. However, Vedanta's lawyers
suppressed the report which was leaked by activists in 2014

In Odisha, India a nineteen year struggle by indigenous communities, Dalits
and farmers led to a historic victory in 2014 when Vedanta was stopped from
mining the sacred Niyamgiri hills for bauxite. Vedanta's attempt to secure
the mountain through State Owned OMC was rejected by the Supreme Court
again on May 6, 2016. Vedanta Aluminium Ltd had built the 1 mtpa Lanjigarh
refinery at the base of the Niyamgiri hills in 2004, and even expanded it
six fold, despite having no permission to mine bauxite from the hills
above. Vedanta's launch on the London Stock Exchange in 2003 was based on
the impression given to financiers that they had permission to mine

In Goa, India, Vedanta's iron ore mining subsidiary Sesa Goa (now Vedanta
Limited) was the largest company indicted by the Shah Commission in 2012
for illegal mining, including failure to obtain leases or environmental
clearance, and exporting 150 million tonnes of iron ore from Goa in 2010/11
while only declaring 76 million, their agreed export allowance.

Not far from Jaipur itself Vedanta is accused by an employee's union of
casualising and de-unionising the labour force at Hindustan Zinc Ltd by
reducing permanent workers to only 2,500 of 18,000 workers. The Maton Mines
Mazdur Sangh (Maton Mines Workers Union) is also opposing Vedanta for poor
working conditions and destruction of crops and houses around their
phosphate mines. Meanwhile, on 11th May 2016 Anil Agarwal promoted Sterlite
Technologies announced its successful bid to to run a second 'smart city'
project in Jaipur

Vedanta has been attempting to create favourable public opinion by
sponsoring International Film Festival of India (IFFI), the Our Girls Our
gender project and even the oxymoronic Mining Happiness campaign
<http://www.kractivist.org/tag/faking-happiness/>, using celebrities and
media houses to hush up its liabilities. But each of these attempts has
been exposed by grassroots groups and people's movements pointing out
Vedanta's corporate crimes using social media and letter writing.

The Vedanta JLF at Southbank is yet again another cynical attempt to
distract attention from Vedanta's crimes at a time when it stands exposed
across India and internationally. Vedanta's interests are directly opposed
to the Dalit, Adivasi, Bahujan Samaj and black communities it claims to be

Literature doesn't exist in a vacuum. As public figures, we believe that
writers and artists also have responsibilities. It makes little sense to
discuss books and ideas and the problems of the world in abstraction, while
being funded by and publicising a company that has been and continues to be
a gross violator of human rights across the world. We hope that you agree,
and will withdraw from involvement in this discredited and damaging PR
campaign, rather than lending your name to it.

*Yours sincerely,*

Anu Ramdas, Editor, Round Table India

Naren Bedide (Kuffir), Editor, Round Table India

Courttia Newland, writer

Dr. Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar
Medical doctor and author, Jharkhand, India

Firoze Manji, former Editor, Pambazuka News

Gladson Dungdung, Activist, Author

Arao Ameny, Founder of Association of African Journalists & Writers

Neetisha Xalxo

V.Divakar, Editor, The Baroda Pamphlet

Sruthi Herbert, Doctoral Candidate, SOAS

Ashley Tellis

Akash Poyam, Founding Editor at adivasiresurgence.com

Surya Shankar, Filmmaker

Ashutosh Wasnik, senior human resources analyst at SaskPower, govt of
Saskatchewan, Canada

Gaurav Somwanshi, Entrepreneur

Akshay Pathak, Writer

Cathal Healy-Singh, Environmental Engineer, Trinidad & Tobago

Atul Anand, Researcher & Documentary maker

Alex Lubin, Professor, University of New Mexico

Rafiq Kathwari, poet

Hemant Divate
poet, editor, publisher and translator

Amrit Wilson

Kavita Bhanot, writer

Manju Rajak, Artist

Gouri Patwardhan, filmmaker

Aflatoon, All India Organisational Secretary, Samajwadi Janaparishad

Vinay Shende, HR Professional

Nilesh Kumar, PhD Researcher, TISS

Dharma Teja, Dalit Camera

Amita Kanekar

Ananta Dash

Rollie Mukherjee, Artist & writer, Vadodara.

Tariq Mehmood, writer, Assistant Professor, American University, Beirut

Vinita Damodaran, Director, CWEH, University of Sussex

Saransh Gautam, IT Professional

Prameya M, Ph.D student

Vaibhav Wasnik, postdoctoral researcher, Saarland University, Department of

Pinak Banik, Artist and Teacher

Stalin K., Director, Video Volunteers

Priyadarshini Ohol, Artist

Abhiyan Humane, Artist and Teacher

Priyabrata Mahapatra, IT Professional

Subash Kulesika, Youth Leader, Niyamgiri Suraksha Samiti

Rebecca Oliner, Artist

Devangana Kalita, Foil Vedanta

Amarjit Chandran, poet

Taru Dalmia, the ska vengers

Samara Chopra, the ska vengers

Mohinder Singh, Assistant Professor, Political Science JNU

Samantha Asumadu, Media Diversified

Koonal Duggal, Researcher, Department of Cultural Studies, EFL University

Ganesh Digal, Odisha Research Scholars For Social Justice (ORSSJ)

James Nyasulu, community activist and pollution affected person, Chingola,

William Chitundu, KCM former miners, Zambia.

Jonathan Mbewe, Residents of 1st Street against Pollution, Chingola, Zambia.

Miriam Rose, Foil Vedanta
Samarendra Das, Foil Vedant

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