Two headlines stared at me. Ramkrisna Dhavalikar complainning about many 
retirees and no replacements and  Elvis Gomes stating "Too many grandfathers 
still continue to be in service" pointing to extensions granted and other 
illegalities. Actually this should be a time to implement what I think the 5th 
pay commision recommended, namely downsizing of staff! It is understood that a 
high powered inter departmental committee has been carrying out asessing 
manpower requirements in each department  headed by Parrikar and they could 
clear only 1,200 posts! The departments seem to be definately overstaffed with 
the wrong people due political colored appointments and extensions etc. If the 
government is serious to staff their departments with competent and efficient 
staff, there has to be work study done by professionals for each department, 
preferably not by prejudiced bureaucrats!. The load of pensions, leave and  
transfers must also be a feature together with a policy for a lean and mean 
work ethic and trainning to have smart departments in smart cities for 
convenience of the citizen?  I do not see any such administrative reforms in 
public interest. In fact I see responsible BJP ministers make statements like 
bureaucrats are worse than prostitutes and the action recommended is not file 
complaint with the competent authotities, but unilateral violence. When will 
all this end and where are we heading?

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