This is part of a Faiz Ahmad poem written against Pakistan dictator Zia ul Huk 
reportedly challenging authoritarianism, tyranny and oppression. His grandson a 
lahore based psychologist was surprised that an IIT professor in India found it 
insults the Hindu religion and Javed Akhtar was incredulous calling the FIR 
absurd! Apparently during a protest march in democratic India, students quoted 
his poem and that was enough, without understanding any artistic expressions 
and literature! This is getting more and more ridiculous with exhibition of 
intolerence to any contrary views or criticism of government anywhere or any 
intelligent discussion on religion and our Constitution! The latest JNU attack 
on campus by masked goons where student unions office bearers, students and 
teachers were systematically trashed is a very dangerous sign of the changing 
face of our nation! From what I saw live on TV on various channels and 
newspaper reports, it is apparent this was a planned attack. Police inaction, 
prevention of media and others from entering campus whilst mayhem was going on 
inside and thereafter all goons allowed to escape and no arrests 24 hours 
thereafter, are clear indications. Police acts only on orders from above is the 
new norm? THe Vice Chancellor appears either is in league or incompetent!

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