Cordially invites you to attend this unique SYMPOSIUM [ North-Goa], the programme of which is as follows:-

Speakers:  (Executive Members of MSSG):
Adv. Antonio Lobo[Convener]; Prof. Prajal Sakardande; Prof. Sergio Carvalho Anthony Alvares.

Mr. Reginaldo Lourence, Hon. MLA from Curtorim; Adv. Amrut Kansar, Ex-MP ; Adv. Radharao Gracias, Ex-MLA; Mr. Damu Naik-Ex-MLA; Mr.Rajendra Kakodkar;
            Mr. Dillip Hegde.

Special Invitees who couldn't attend:
Rev. Fr. Eremito Rebello; Mr. Shantaram Naik, MP; Mr. Shripad Naik, MP,
     Mr. Francisco Sardinha, MP; Mr. Rohan Kaunte, MLA Porvrim.

3. Each speaker shall speak for 5 minutes, briefly but effectively, to present their views on the subject of attaining Special Status for Goa [Special Provisions under
   amended Article 371of the Constitution of India].

4. After every 3 Speakers, there shall be a interactive session of 15 minutes between the Speakers and the members of the esteemed Audience so that points made in the speeches may be clarified or expanded to the satisfaction of those who want clarification/s and/or expansion.

5. Three Resolutions shall be passed and adopted after the end of the above session of Speeches and Interactions after having been read in English Language and
   Explained in Konkani.

6. A vote of thanks by: Ms. Annabelle Pereira; member, MSSG.

The Symposium shall start in earnest after refreshments have been served between 09.00 and 09.30 hours. After the dignitaries are welcomed and invited to take their respective seats on the dais, a short ceremony of 'Garlanding' the Portrait of the Father of Goa's Opinion Poll - Dr. Jack De Sequeira by Dr. N.S. Dumo and Ms. Manuela Lobo shall take place to the accompaniment of the CD song composed by Sigmund D'Souza to honour Dr. Jack De Sequeira.

The Compare for the day shall be Mr. Floriano Lobo, member, MSSG.


The Symposium started at 10.00 hours after refreshments were served in the lobby of the hall. The ceremony of 'GARLANDING' the portrait of Dr. Jack De Sequeira by Dr. N.S. Dumo, President of GSRP to represent the Older Generation and Ms. Manuela Lobo to represent the Younger Generations of Goans followed. Later the CD of the song composed by Sigmund D'Souza, a member of MSSG, was played over the Hall's creditable sound system with Sigmund D'Souza giving a short explanation over the composition.

The Speakers were welcomed by gifting a small bouquet of flowers by Ms. Manuela Lobo who were then escorted to the dais.

The Speakers [in the order of their turns]

Prof. Sergio-bab Carvalho: Delivered a rather effective picture of how Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru lied and cheated Goans. His delivery was loudly applauded

Floriano Lobo while thanking Prof. Carvalho for his excellent delivery, said that Goa required not one Special Status but several in a chain. He re-counted his experience this morning when he went to the Mapusa Municipal Market to purchase flowers and garlands for the meeting. That at 0730 hours while all the hawkers and shops were slowly coming alive, the pile of yesterday's garbage was on the roads as huge mounds with no sweepers or garbage clearing trucks in sight. He said that the Indian Constitution needs another altogether new Article to be added to it to cancel the office timings for the municipal cleaners/sweepers from existing Ten to Five to Midnight to Four A.M. so that all our city markets and streets are swept clean before the early 'crow' is ready for his breakfast. He also said that he wants to start a business of robbing people's houses and selling the goods in the special market place by employing a large platoon of robbers and thieves. If the police should catch them, with the existing trend set up by the government, he could claim that these people are robbing dependent people and therefore the tax-payers should support them, in a clear bid to tell the Honourable CM that what he is doing with the mining dependent people is wrong.

Rajan-bab Kakodkar: Told the stunned audience that the mounds of ore-reject are worth at least 2 billions of U.S. Dollars, calculated in Indian Rupees amounting to rupees thousands of lakhs crores , that each Goan, considering Goa's population as 12 to 14 lakhs, is worth a crore of rupees a piece. That each Goan family, considering that there are 7.5 lakh families, should get Rs. 50 thousand a piece per month.

Floriano Lobo, commenting on the speech said that the 50 thousand rupees could be distributed with Rs. 10,000/- per family per month, pay off the crippling public debts with another Rs.10,000/- per family a month and spend the rest Rs. 30,000/- to install excellent all round infrastructure so that Development takes place on its own, reversing what is presently happening and has been happening i.e. development first, then think of infrastructure. A perfect example is the Patto Plaza area in Panjim where infrastructure is still happening but the Development has already taken place.

Anthony-bab Alvares - Delivered a historical background why Goa has been neglected and left to deteriorate despite heavy promises by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

Floriano Lobo while commenting on the speech said that President John F. Kennedy was a good friend of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who saved him during the Chinese aggression in 1962 by air-dropping arms and ammunition, including the tanks, overnight from neighbouring then Formosa, now South Korea. He reminded the audience that Kennedy, in his wisdom, had also taunted Nehru after he invaded Goa for having given the world lessons in MORALITY and NON- VIOLENCE when he himself was caught coming out of a brothel.

Dillip-bab Hegde: Entertained the audience with his witty delivery and warned GOANs that they must leave their SUCEGAD-NESS aside for once when they are being dragged by their feet into extinction. He touched upon the recent declaration of the Government of Goa that 40 lakh settlers are planned for Goa in the next 25 years. This must stop. he said, if GOANs do not want to be extinct from GOA. He talked of the Bandodkar Regime and the ill-founded merger of Goa into Maharashtra.

Floriano Lobo while thanking him for his entertaining delivery and for buoying the spirits of the audience from the dooms-day cloud hanging over their heads, told the audience that Bandodkar was heard speaking at a public meeting thus, when he was asked as to "WHAT WERE THE AIMS OF FORMING THE 'MAHARASHTRAWADI GOMANTAK PARTY". His answer was " THERE IS NO AIM BAIM. OUR MISSION IS TO BUNDLE GOA ( LIKE A PIG ON THE POLE) INTO MAHARASHTRA- THAT MGP HAS NO COMPETENCE TO GOVERN GOA"

Radharao-bab Gracias: Showed up rather late in time, blamed Goans for being SUCEGAD. He touched upon how East-Timor has fought for its independence much after the occupation of Goa by India. He said Adv. Anton-bab Lobo, the convenor of MSSG looks a replica of SHANANA GUSMAO, the person who fought for the Independence of East-Timor and now it's President and wished that Goa's Shanana Gusmao would really stand up for GOA w.r.t. the obtaining of the Special Provisions under amendment to the Article 371-I of the Indian Constitution, if not for complete independence for Goa. He touched upon various points of Goan sucegad-ness and easy-going attitude. He pointed out that if Goans were conscious of what is happening to was bad and intolerable, this hall would have overflowed. When he talked of Matanhy Saldanha, he said that Matanhy's Goan-ness had taken a beating in recent years when he had publicly said that those in Goa are not Goans but the people of GOA, that people of Goa demanded this and the people of Goa demanded that. He said that Goans are bonafide Goans of Goan ancestry and the so called 'people of Goa' were outsiders settled or residing in Goa. He further said that Floriano Lobo will endorse what he was saying because Floriano was present when Matanhy had said the above.

Floriano Lobo, while thanking Radharao-bab Gracias for his excellent delivery, informed the audience that he was indeed present when Matanhy had said the above. He then went on to recount how E-Timor'eans drove out the mighty Indonesia from their land with the support of the UN and the western countries. That massive demonstrations took place in far away Australia to protest the take-over of E-Timor by Indonesia. These collage of photographs of these massive demonstrations in Australia which were flashed to all corners of the world , changed the opinion of the UN and the World at large and asked Indonesia to end its occupation of East-Timor. He hoped that Goa will follow suit, even if it is half a century that GOANS have been slumbering, that Goa's Shanana Gusmao will make it happen if India failed to listen to the pleas of Goans for the Special Status under Article 371-I. of the Constitution of India. In that case, he said, Goans will have no alternative but to approach the United Nations, whose doors are still open for Goa and Goans. That India should not test the patience of Goans anymore because they do not want to be squeezed and pushed out of Goa any more.

Adv. Antonio-bab Lobo: His was a well compiled and excellently delivered Speech. To Adv Radharao-bab's calling him Goa's Shanana Gusmao, he admitted that at least one person has stopped him in Lisbon to ask him if he was not Shanana Gusmao. He showed the audience the Herald Newspaper where it was mentioned that 40 lakh settlers are planned for Goa for the next 25 years, therefore the MEGA PROJECTS, MOPA Airport et al. To a demand from various speakers from the audience in the interaction session that Goans cannot afford to go to sleep any more and must show Delhi that they too can come on the streets and match the violence that is common place in the rest of India, he said that by the very fact that Goans are reluctant to resort to violence and mob-mentality, it shows that they are different, tolerant, educated and sensible. That they want to achieve what they want through peaceful negotiations. That this is the basic ETHOS of GOANS, their tolerance, their patience which sets them apart from the rest of INDIA. That Goans will have to stick to these values and ETHOS and not go about bringing themselves to the level of 'indiscipline mobs' we have in the rest of India. This is our GOAN culture, makes, he said, Goans, a different people. That the Portuguese were foolish, especially Mario Soares, when they signed the Co-operation Treaty with India in 1974 without taking Goans into confidence, he said. If they had, he said, Goans would have asked the Portuguese to proceed with the Co-operation Treaty but with a 'RIDER', that Goa must have the Special Provisions under Article 371-I as is given to Nagaland, Misoram etc. Purshottam Kakodkar, he said, wanted autonomy for Goa in 1961. But he was considered as a TRAITOR, by the rest of the so called Freedom Fighters [Azad Gomantak Dal] who were on the payroll of India. If Goans have been liberated, why are they leaving Goa's shores in droves with Portuguese Passports? he asked. If they could find the jobs that they are qualified to do, with deserving pay to go along with it, they would have stayed back home.., he said. He said that there are more Goans in Swindon, Toronto etc than we find Goans in our Goan villages. It is the agenda of India as well as our successive governments in Goa to harass them so that they flee Goa and leave it to the outsiders who pay handsomely for Goan jobs. Therefore, how can the corruption be curbed? He asked. If they pay large amounts of money for the jobs, they have to recover their investment. Therefore Goans have to pay the bribes.

Floriano Lobo, while commenting and putting the house for interaction, welcomed GOA'S SHANANA GUSMAO and wished him power to his foot so that he can kick like Shanana Gusmao of E-Timor hard kick to the oppressors of Goans.

Adv. Antonio-bab Lobo had started his speech by reading the abstracts of the speech that Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru had made in BOMBAY in 1956 which is as under:

"If the people of Goa, that is minus the Portuguese government - if and when the Portuguese go and the people of Goa deliberately wish to retain their separate identity - I am not going to bring them by force or compulsion or coercion into the Indian Union. I merely say that my national interest involves the removal of the Portuguese from Goa, not coercion being used in bringing about the union of Goa with India, although I wish it, I desire it and it is the only solution. That is a matter ultimately for the people of Goa to decide. I want to make it perfectly clear that I have no desire to coerce Goa to join India against the wishes of the people of Goa. But the point is that we feel that Goa's individuality should remain and that whenever the time comes for any changes, internal or other, it will be for the people of Goa acting freely to decide upon them".

In the "Interactive Session" that followed, many members of the audience spoke, among them Adv. Yoguesh Gaitonde, Sudeep Dalvi, Damodar Ghanekar, Matias Vaz, Jose Maria Miranda, Ms. Fernandes from Calangute, Adv. Ryan Menezes, Rui Da Gama and a few others, all of them very much concerned that Goa was going down, down, down and that something must be done.

Ms. Fernandes contested what Floriano Lobo had earlier said ' that by denying the much needed Plebiscite mandated under the UN Charter, India, in 1962, through the proclamation of extending Indian Citizenship on Goans, had forced Indian Citizenship down their throats, which citizenship they did not ask for, and maintained that he is a GOAN and nothing but A GOAN. If India wanted him to take up Indian Citizenship, then India should give him the opportunity to ask for it, through the promised PLEBISCITE. He said that the Opinion Poll of 1967 was not the PLEBISCITE. When Ms. Fernandes further asked a question as to how Goans can forget what India has done to liberate Goa, Floriano Lobo retorted by saying that "GOA WAS COLONIZED BY THE PORTUGUESE FOR 450 YEARS. THAT INDIA DROVE AWAY THE PORTUGUESE LIKE DOGS WITH THEIR TAILS BETWEEN THEIR LEGS, IN A HUMILIATING MANNER PROMPTING THEM TO COME A'BEGGING TO SIGN THE CO-OPERATION TREATY WITH INDIA WITHOUT CONSULTING GOANS, THAT A FOREIGN COLONIZER WAS REPLACED BY ANOTHER WORST COLONISER WHO WAS HELL BENT ON DESTROYING THE GOANNESS OF GOANS WHICH THE FOREIGN COLONIZERS NEVER ATTEMPTED DOING.

The interactive session was cut short due to paucity of time as the Hall Management was eager to re-possess the Hall for a fresh function.

Three Resolutions were passed, read by Ms/Adv. Tonia Lobo which were proposed by Adv. Radharao Gracias and Seconded by Damodar Ghanekar, passed, sealed and Delivered. The 3 Resolutions are as under:


14th. APRIL 2013
Menezes Braganza Hall-Panjim-GOA.



It has been resolved that the Chief Minister of GOA, Manohar-bab Parrikar along with all the Legislators of the Goa Legislative Assembly passes a RESOLUTION at the earliest that the Parliament amends Article 371-I of the Constitution of India to grant SPECIAL [PROVISIONS] STATUS to GOA in order that Goa may protect it's CULTURE, it's ETHOS, it's IDENTITY and it's DEMOGRAPHIC BALANCE.

Given the fact that the Political Party/s in Power in Goa have not, up to this day, moved any motion to pass a RESOLUTION to the effect that GOA be granted SPECIAL [PROVISIONS] STATUS under Article 371-I, this gathering of people of Goa is passing the following Resolution:-


It has been resolved that MLA of Curtorim Reginaldo-bab Lourenco or any other Legislator, be asked to put forward a motion in the Goa Legislative Assembly to pass a RESOLUTION to the effect that the Parliament amends Article 371-I of the Constitution of India to grant SPECIAL [PROVISION] STATUS to GOA in order that Goa may protect it's CULTURE, it's ETHOS, it's IDENTITY and it's DEMOGRAPHIC BALANCE.


It has been resolved that all three members of the Parliament from GOA are hereby urged to use their good offices at all levels to gather sufficient support for the appropriate amendment to the Article 371-I of the Constitution of India to grant SPECIAL [PROVISIONS] STATUS for GOA

Proposed by:         Sd/ Adv. Radharao Gracias

Seconded by:        Sd/- Damodar Ghanekar

PASSED - SIGNED-SEALED & DELIVERED on this  14th day of April, 2013.

Ms. Annabelle Pereira: In her brief speech giving the Vote of Thanks, raised the issue of IT Habitat for Goa to absorb young IT talent who are going to other places like Mumbai, Bangalore and elsewhere. She said that this was a dream of late NASCOM CEO DEVANG MEHTA for GOA, who she had met while she was posted at Delhi as the CEO of the British Airways and working in Delhi for 16 years before retiring in Goa.

Floriano Lobo while thanking one and all, closed the SYMPOSIUM for the day with a promise of re-visiting with similar Seminars and Symposiums until each and every Goan was aware of what they are missing.


PS1: The names of the Speakers/Invitees which do not appear in the REPORT were not present having had some personal problem/s or the other for gracing the occasion. PS2: Prof. Sergio Carvalho and Floriano Lobo were wearing the yellow T-Shirts with this logo:




These T-Shirts were available for sale at the basic cost price of Rs. 150/- per piece.
43 T-shirts were pick-up by the audience members.

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