Brutality And Apathy Of Goa Police

Do the police and security services not know, that death in custody
would bring about a lot of repercussions ? Yes they know, they know
the Law inside out, but they fall prey to their own arrogance and
high-handedness. To show the accused or the guilty who the master
guardian is and how powerful he can be.

A custodial death at once brings the onus on police brutality. The
accused as well as the guilty and each and every one of us is equally
protected by international laws called human right laws, even though
criminals do not give a shit about their victims human rights. In
truth, a lot of criminals today hide behind the human rights placard
to save them selves from retribution.

Goa has been having a fare share of increase in lawlessness for the
past few years, even as news about the police-criminals-politician
nexus is being unearthed, even more are exposed by the day and the
apathy of the authorities is highlighted as no corrective action or
remedial processes are put in place.

Last one month or so the police have been running in circles to clean
up their degraded image but to no success as more allegations of the
police involvement in crime pop up, now to top it all, Goa has been
shaken by police brutality leading to the death of Cipriano Fernandes
in police custody. What was the dreadful crime that he had committed,
that he had to be mercilessly beaten to death ?

Cirpiano was not a known goonda, nor a drug dealer, nor a rapist, nor
a murderer, nor a fraudster like some of our politicians, just because
he had an altercation with his girlfriend, he, certainly did not
deserve the treatment that was meted out to him by the police.
Criminals should be apprehended and tried, not butchered. We all know
that drug lords, criminals and fraudsters get the best of treatment
from the police and politicians alike but one time offenders like
Cipriano or even innocent guys get the worst from our Police. How many
innocent Goans have been beaten up by the police on the behest of
politicians, miners and builders ?

It’s a pity that the very people who are appointed as guardians of the
law become the perpetrators and the offenders. When they are inducted
into the civil services they take an oath to uphold the law of the
land and provide protection to the needy and the poor. How many of
them stay faithful to that divine oath ? We need to change our system
very badly. I am sure ever one is aware that entry into the civil
services costs lakhs of rupees, so how else will they get back that
money ? Hence they are forced to do the evil, for money they do
anything and everything, even bashing up people to death, selling
drugs and also let criminals disappear into thin air, if that is what
is being asked of them by their financers.

As Goa today is going gaga over the custodial death of Cipriano
Fernandes, I would like to remind Goans that Cipriano is not the first
victim of police brutality in Goa ? This incident only came to light
because the relatives and friends along with the Media have forced
this issue, and because of the involvement of the people and the
media, the authorities are forced to act, we are not sure if justice
will see day light, but it has opened the eyes of the public of what
the police are capable of doing. Let us realize that there are lot
more people who are victims of police brutality but somehow their
voices do not reach the people or the media for reasons best know.

Along with police brutality we have seen on a number of occasions how
deaths through murders, drugs and rapes are declared natural deaths,
how many people have gone missing and our police refuse to even
register cases because of the bigwigs involvement in those crimes or
the minuscule status of the victim. Our supreme constitution tells us
that we are all equal and that justice would be delivered irrespective
of status, wealth, religion, education, cast, creed or region.

Do we see such justice in Goa ? In Goa the rich and the powerful are
beyond the law, as we have witnessed on so many occasions. How many
times have politicians and their family members made a mockery of the
law with absurd manipulations and have got away with criminal acts ?

Today there is nothing we can do for Cipriano in person accept ask,
for justice and to punish the guilty, so that no one stays above the
law or take law into their own hands. Let us strive to seek for
justice not just for Cipriano but for all those who are deprived of
justice by our corrupt and criminal system headed by our police and
our politicians.

I hope the Media will continue to be bold enough to take up such
issues and expose the culprits who think they are above and beyond the
law. Let the power of the people of Goa be known to one and all who
thinks law and justice is a mere tool and a toy for them to play with.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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