Loutolim’s shipyards continue to face heat


Illegal shipyards in Rassaim, Loutolim, continue to face the heat. At a
heated gram sabha on Sunday, the subject was debated with some of the
members divided over the issue.
There was quite a ruckus during the proceedings when a handful of gram sabha
members from Rassaim, who have given their lands to the shipyards on lease
and those who have set up stores, bars, restaurants, etc, in the vicinity,
insisted even though these were illegal no action should be taken against
The reason being many families sustain themselves on these businesses where
hundreds of migrant workers are employed. However, majority of the gram
sabha members disagreed stating that even sex workers sustained their
families on prostitution and it does not mean the businesses should be
legalised. Hence, illegal shipyards operating in Loutolim had to be closed
down, members reiterated.
Pointing to a blatant illegality, the gram sabha grilled the sarpanch on how
house No 40 was allotted to Vijay Marine Shipyard when in reality the
panchayat records showed it in the name of St Joseph Chapel, Rassaim.
The gram sabha demanded to know how the said house number which was first
issued at the time of assessment of house tax in the 70s could be issued by
the Panchayat in 2005 to the shipyard, which, it maintained, had no
approvals from any competent authority.
Moreover, it mentioned, the shipyard was not even situated in the vicinity
of the chapel and could have been allotted the said house no as per rule
only if it was situated adjacent to the chapel and if it had approvals from
competent authorities.
The Gram Sabha unanimously resolved to revoke the house number issued to the
shipyard and initiate steps to demolish the illegal structure. It also
demanded for an official departmental inquiry to find out who was the
sarpanch when the house number was allotted.

Please post your comments on my Blog: http://goanidentity.blogspot.com/

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee: http://www.bvacbenaulim.blogspot.com/
2. "Rape of Goa" : http://www.parrikar.com/blog/the-rape-of-goa/
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre : http://mandgoa.blogspot.com/
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA): http://www.globalgoans.org.in/

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