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From: AF P <goaculturel...@gmail.com>
Date: Monday, November 1, 2021
Subject: Most COVID-19 hospitalizations due to four conditions
To: goanet <goanet@lists.goanet.org>


Most COVID-19 hospitalizations due to four conditions

   A study estimated that nearly two-thirds of COVID-19 hospitalizations in
the U.S. could be attributed to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart
   The findings give insight into how underlying conditions contribute to
hospitalizations during the pandemic.

Photo: Healthcare worker wheeling hospital bed with senior COVID-19 patient
on ventilator

Underlying medical conditions account for many COVID-19 hospitalizations.
xavierarnau / E+ via Getty Image.

Studies show that certain common medical conditions put people at higher
risk for severe illness from COVID-19. These include metabolic disorders
like type 2 diabetes and obesity, as well as heart conditions like high
blood pressure (hypertension) and heart failure. People with these four
conditions are more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19.

To better understand how these conditions affect hospitalizations, a
research team led by Meghan O’Hearn and Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian of Tufts
University developed a statistical model. They incorporated data on the
association of these four underlying conditions with COVID-19
hospitalizations in the U.S. They also included national data on COVID-19
hospitalizations and prevalence of the conditions by age, sex, and

Based on this data, the model calculated the percentage of COVID-19
hospitalizations that could have been prevented without these four
underlying conditions. Results were published in the Journal of the
American Heart Association on February 25, 2021.

The researchers estimated that more than 900,000 COVID-19 hospitalizations
occurred through November 2020. Based on their model, 30% of these
hospitalizations were attributable to obesity, 26% to hypertension, 21% to
diabetes, and 12% to heart failure. These people would still have been
infected with COVID-19, but likely would not have been sick enough to need

More than one of these conditions are often present in the same person. The
model also estimated hospitalizations due to different combinations. The
numbers weren’t simply additive. In total, 64% of the hospitalizations
might have been prevented if not for the four conditions.

The model suggested that COVID-19 hospitalizations due to these conditions
varied by age. Older adults with diabetes, heart failure, or hypertension
were more likely to be hospitalized than younger people with the same
condition. However, obesity affected COVID-19 hospitalization risk
similarly across age groups.

Race/ethnicity also resulted in disparities in COVID-19 hospitalizations
due to these conditions. Black adults had the highest proportion of
hospitalizations attributable to all four conditions at any age. Other
studies show that COVID-19 deaths have disproportionately affected Black
and other minority communities.

This research further highlights the burden of heart and metabolic diseases
in the U.S. Almost 3 in 4 U.S. adults is overweight or obese. Nearly half
of people have prediabetes or diabetes.

All of the conditions examined in the study have been shown to impair the
body’s immune response. This may be one reason COVID-19 causes more harm in
people with these underlying conditions. Improving heart and metabolic
health may help reduce hospitalizations from COVID-19.

“Medical providers should educate patients who may be at risk for severe
COVID-19 and consider promoting preventive lifestyle measures, such as
improved dietary quality and physical activity, to improve overall
cardiometabolic health,” says O’Hearn.

—by Erin Bryant

Albert Peres
Goa Culture List
+1 416-660-0847

Albert Peres
Goa Culture List

+1 416-660-0847

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