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From: Dan Lewis <d...@nowiknow.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 11:23 AM
Subject: Now I Know: Which Came First, The Algorithm or the Pi?
To: <ymirconsult...@gmail.com>

This isn't really a Pi Day story, but whatever, close enough.

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*Today is March 14th, or (in America, at least, where we put the month
before the day in dates), 3/14 -- Pi Day! I hope your day is well-rounded.
-- Dan*
  Which Came First, The Algorithm or the Pi?

On March 14, 2019, the BBC and others reported
on a breakthrough by a computer scientist named Emma Haruka Iwao: we had
more pi than ever. Specifically, on or around that date, Iwao calculated pi
to its 31,415,926,535,897th digit (and yes, 31,415,926,535,897 is pi to the
13th power, which isn't a coincidence). The process took a ton of data and
computing power; per the BBC, "the calculation required 170TB of data (for
comparison, 200,000 music tracks take up 1TB) and took 25 virtual machines
121 days to complete," and most importantly, a very specific algorithm. Her
feat was a new world record, by a lot -- the previous record only (only?)
calculated pi to about 22 trillion digits.

That's a lot more digits than Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi figured out --
he stopped at five digits, or 3.1416. But his feat is probably more
impressive than Iwao's, for a simple reason; al-Khwarizmi computed his in
the year 800, give or take. As mathematicians go, he's a pretty important
one. To the chagrin of students near and far, he wrote a book titled "The
Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing," which is
among the first algebra books in history. Oh, and he also wrote a book
called "On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals," which is widely credited
with spreading the decimal (base-10) numbering system used around the world

That's pretty impressive. In 1983, the Soviet Union honored him with a
postage stamp, as seen above, but given all these accomplishments, you'd
think al-Khwarizmi would be a household name around the world.

Well, he kind of is.

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi's name is a reference to where he was from
-- "al-Khwarizm" means that he was from Khwarazm, a region roughly on the
border of modern-day Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. (Here's a map
Over the course of a century or so, al-Khwarizmi's works spread beyond his
immediate home region and into Europe. And around 1690, the decimal system
he popularized became known as the "Arabic system of computation," even
though addition, subtraction, and other forms of arithmetic and the like
were already widely in place. Al-Khwarizmi's system -- and his name -- were
transliterated from Arabic into Latin, but something went a bit wrong in
the process. "Al-Khwarizmi" was, somehow, recorded as something close to
"Algorizmi," which, in turn, became our all-purpose math word: algorithm.

And that wasn't the only impact that Al-Khwarizmi's work had on the
language of math. "The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and
Balancing," of course, wasn't titled in English; its Arabic name,
transliterated, is "Al-Kitāb al-mukhtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr waʾl-muqābala."
The word "al-jabr" translates to "reunion of broken parts" per Etymology
and is a reference to adding a number to both sides of an equation to
cancel like terms. That action is fundamental to algebra; it should be no
surprise, then, that the word "algebra" comes from the transliteration of

So while al-Khwarizmi isn't the most famous mathematician, he's certainly
not been lost to history. In fact, Iwao had him to thank, literally, for
her algorithm.

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*Bonus fact*: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi wasn't born on Pi Day (as far
as we know); that'd be too perfect, right? But guess who was? Albert

*From the Archives*: Eternal Flame Pit
If you click on the "Here's a map" link above, you may see something that
looks like a weird volcano. It's not that. It's this.
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