
Please read once again "

OCI's (Overseas Citizens of India) and PIO's (Persons of Indian Origin)
card holders can also ask for information under the RTI Act.

For citizens, OCI's and PIO's who are staying out of India, the RTI
Application can be filed with the PIO of the local Indian
Embassy/Consulate/High Commission and they will inform you regarding the
amount of application fee in local currency as well as the mode of payment.

Please also note:

Contrary to your misinformation, while S 3 deals with an Indian citizen,
S.6 of the RTI Act permits any person to seek information under the RTI
Act. This has been upheld by the SC in  Chief Information Commr.& Anr vs
State Of Manipur & Anr on 12 December, 2011.

Pl refer:

I can be quite persistent in helping you in the search for the truth so
that in future you may refrain from making loose, disparaging, baseless,
false. unsubstantiated and defamatory allegations against honest
organisations who are rendering yeoman services in a highly materialistic
and uncaring world.

 Had the MoC been a hindutva organisation, be sure you would have several
criminal defamatory suits filed against you. But since your false
allegations will be music to their ears you are a potential icon for them.
Perhaps you are already on their mailing list where they spew hatred and
peddle fake and false information since your views seem to converge with
theirs on many issues related to India including the latest one in defence
of Modi.

Please walk the talk.


*Excellent Marshall, your link to applying for an RTI clearly mentions
?citizen? in several places. I am saying: This is a dead-end.You are
saying: Here are the various roads to it.Your obstinacy does not
appeal.Roland Francis. *

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