Dear All

(Warning; This is Off-Topic)

I have signed on to a Social Psychology Course conducted by
www.coursera.orgIf you are not aware is a world class university level educational website and they
teach, test, and award degrees/diplomas etc for the courses done; and if
one is prepared to pay for it, they will also certify the degrees/diplomas
that they award. There is still time to enroll.

Now the thing is: learning through the correspondence course method (like
ignou's courses), and that too by the Internet contact class method (of
which is an example) tends to be pretty difficult because
it is always a problem to maintain one's motivation level when one has
one's regular work to perform.

Knowing this recommends:

"You're likely to enjoy, learn more, and stay with the course if you invite
2-3 friends or family members to take it with you and form a small study

I wonder whether any of you would be interested in joining this course and
being part of a small study group? If we could watch the course videos;
read the study material etc (together or separately) and then share our
experiences then we would be more likely to continue with the course and
complete it.

I am certain that for those who are career inclined it would be a very
important addition to your bio-data. For those who are just
knowledge-motivated like me, it would also be a fruitful thing to pursue.
So I hope at least a couple of you join in this course.

In case you are not interested I recommend that you look into the other
courses of (and there are quite a few) It is quite likely
that you will find some courses which will benefit you.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Social Psychology Course Team <>
Date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Social Psychology: First week released early! (Link corrected)
To: Augusto Pinto <>

*Augusto Pinto,*
The latest information from Social
Dear Augusto Pinto,

Welcome to Social Psychology! Over the next 6 weeks, we'll explore some
entertaining and intriguing psychology findings that you can use to improve
your life, relationships, and work.

I've also tucked in some surprises! Here are two:

   - One of you will get to meet the Dalai Lama next year in a free trip to
   Stanford University (as mentioned in the first week's lectures).
   - Several of you will be invited to join a Google Hangout with some of
   the world's most famous social psychologists (I'll say more in Week 3).

Normally, I'll release one week of lectures and readings at the beginning
of each week, but for anyone who wants to start before the course opens on
August 12th, you can see the first week of lectures and readings here (even
though the discussion forums won't open until the 12th):

Please click here to visit the class

To dive in, simply visit the course page and follow these steps in the
order below:

(1) Read "How the Course Works."
(2) Watch lectures 1-3.
(3) Complete the Snapshot Quiz.
(4) Read Chapter 1 of the textbook.
(5) Watch the rest of the lectures.
(6) Submit the first assignment by August 18.

Finally, I want to apologize for an earlier version of this welcome email
that our team sent earlier today — as you may have noticed, the earlier
email contained a broken link to the course site. We're glad to report that
the link has been corrected, and that you can now access the course!

Hope you enjoy,


P.S. Two tips:

(1) You're likely to enjoy, learn more, and stay with the course if you
invite 2-3 friends or family members to take it with you and form a small
study group.

(2) If you don't know English well, please see Language
also appears as a button on our course page).
Visit the course to start learning
Go to 
[image: facebook] <>[image:
blog] <>
Discuss the course in class
Please do not reply directly to this email


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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