Over the years successive governments have miserably abdicated in their
bounden duty to address the issue of garbage disposal. Now people have been
dumping their waste all over even throwing it brazenly in our rivers and
lakes. The gravity of the situation has been highlighted by our High Court
which has necessitated the creation of the Ministry for Waste Management
which is headed by Calangute MLA Michael Lobo.

The flow of high-end tourists into Goa has been adversely affected on
account of our towns, villages and even the beaches being inundated with
garbage all over. Over the last few years the Tourism department has spent
crores on so called beach cleaning but what has been done is only emptying
of the State coffers.  Even the Lokayukta after a detailed investigation
has found that the beach cleaning contract given by the Tourism Department
was a fraud. The Tourism department also does not have the mechanism and
expertise to ensure the cleanliness of the Goan beaches.As we now have a
Waste Management Corporation,it is imperative that all garbage related
issues including the cleaning of our messy beaches must come within the
ambit and control of this Corporation.

Goa also needs three or four more garbage disposal plants to ensure proper
handling of garbage across the State. There have been problems at the
Saligao garbage treatment plant as it was overloaded beyond its capacity
and this cannot be allowed.The Government had acquired land at Bainguinim
for the setting up of a garbage treatment plant and it did not materialise
as there was objection from the public. I myself was once strongly opposed
to it, but now the setting up of that plant is the need of the hour and
inevitable before the garbage issue further escalates beyond redemption.

Effective Garbage Disposal needs a complete and total solution looking at
every aspect,including the type of Garbage, collection of Garbage and the
Disposal and re-cycling of Garbage not just tinkering at the edges or on
cosmetic changes like bogus beach cleaning. Conventional and Modern methods
of Garbage Collection and Disposal must be studied and employed.
Furthermore, it needs a program of education with clearly laid down
procedures for the people.There must also be effective honest policing of
the guidelines coupled with punitive action for persistent wrongdoers. All
this necessitates a sizeable investment from Government which must be fully
utilized for the purpose intended and an investment worth making.

Goa has seen reckless construction all over. A vivid example is the water
parched Kadamba Plateau which has seen unplanned development with thousands
of flats having mushroomed without the basic infrastructure in place.

In view of the chaotic state of affairs all over the state, there is need
for the High Court to impose a total embargo of at least five years on any
further construction until we have the basic amenities of water, power
supply, sewerage, good roads and more importantly a robust garbage disposal
system in place.  This may bring some sanity to our now devastated Goa.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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