The dormant Goa Government on account of its inaction is to be blamed for
the plight those thousand of bars and liquor stores across Goa are today
bracing for on account of the 15th December 2016 judgment of the Supreme
Court by which from 1st April this year sale of all liquor has been
prohibited and banned within 500 mts of all National and State Highways
across the country. You can read the entire judgment at

It was the bounden duty of the Goa Government to have intervened in that
petition while the issue was under consideration of the Supreme Court and
aggressively placed the facts vis- a- vis Goa which are unique to the other

Unlike the relentless enthusiasm otherwise displayed in still trying to get
Digambar Kamat’s bail cancelled in the Supreme Court, it is now almost two
long months and the Goa Government has not yet filed a review petition or
sought modification of the Supreme Court’s liquor ban order. This ought to
have been done in view of the distinctive facts and circumstances
prevailing and pertaining to Goa. Is that stoic silence because the RSS
which sets the agenda for the BJP government would like Goa to go dry the
Gujarat way?

The Supreme Court has rightly expressed apprehensions on the rising number
of road accidents caused due to drunk driving. The Government has done
nothing that would act as a deterrent to such accidents. Severe and
exemplary penalties needed to be imposed on those found drinking and
driving while making it also a cognizable and non bailable offence. The
authorities in Goa have also turned a Nelson’s eye to the rampant sale of
illicit and spurious liquor, in which illegal trade BJP’s Taleigao leader
Dattaprasad Naik is one of the main kingpin. Ironically he is heading the
Goa Liquor Traders Association.

If the Goa Government does not act swiftly and sincerely to get some relief
from the Supreme Court, just like the financial package doled out to the
mining dependents, the already bankrupt State Government may now have to
come up with yet another package, and this time for the liquor business

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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