We are facing the brunt of the endless greed of our current politicians who
are adding more concrete buildings to an already badly battered Goa without
caring to first put the basic infrastructure in place and with no respect
for our fragile environment.

The garbage and sewage discharge problem has reached a point of crisis with
the government having miserably also failed to tackle even the stray dogs
and cattle issue. Proper healthcare needs to be provided to the poorest of
the poor in hospitals and health centers across the State as we cannot
allow young lives to be lost for lack of proper medical care.  Creating
quality educational facilities and delivering on a good and dependable
public transport system should have also been the thrust of those in Power.
Instead they have successfully transformed Goa into a Gambling,
Prostitution, Narcotics and Crime hub. It is no wonder that the economy of
the State just like the country continues to accelerate in a downward
spiral while the fortunes of the greedy continues to propel upwards.

It is an insult to the people of Goa that instead of acting with greater
urgency and determination to eradicate the neglect, stench and
deterioration caused over the years, this inept uncaring Government only
cares about personal greed and power grabbing.

The State must not embark on futile projects wasting taxpayers money which
could be better spent on the long standing desperate needs of the people
whose trust this government has betrayed. The Government's obvious failed
priorities clearly indicate that the huge expense being incurred is for
their own personal gain rather than for the benefit of the people.

It is a pity that the scourge of this global pandemic that has caused so
much anxiety, pain and hardship and which continues to plague our State has
not changed the hearts and minds of our corrupt officials. They show little
or no sign of putting the people’s priorities first or working urgently and
transparently to ensure better medical, scientific, educational and
economic measures and facilities are put in place with the limited
resources available with transparency and zero tolerance to corruption at
all levels. The time and need for REAL CHANGE, has never been greater than

Corruption erodes the institutional capacity of Government if procedures
are disregarded and resources are siphoned off. It also results in the
inefficient provision of services. Corruption undermines the legitimacy of
Government and such democratic values as trust and tolerance.

If Goa was freed of this menace of rampant corruption and if our Ministers
had focused on enhancing our infrastructure instead of enriching their deep
pockets, the brand Goa would have sold itself and been a vibrant hub
without a paisa needed to promote our resourceful State, once the Pearl of
the East. No sensible investors will invest in a stagnant and
environmentally dilapidated Goa, now the Eyesore of the East!

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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