
The Goa Su-Raj Party congratulates and commends the green crusader from
Majorda Mr. Alex Pereira for his dogged fight to save Goa's environment for
the posterity in the manner that the same has been handed to us by our
ancestors. The Party also commends NGT for coming to the rescue of Goa's
eroding coastal environment which has become the CASH COW for the
Politicians and Political Parties.

Incidentally, we called up Alex Pereira this morning to congratulate him
and needless to say that he was pleased.

This is what the Party has to say on ' Goa's BEACHES' in its ROAD MAP FOR

*1.      **Beaches:*

A forward looking policy shall be introduced on the maintenance and
cleanliness  of Goa’s beaches. Unsafe bathing areas along the coastal belt
shall be clearly identified and signboards displayed and maintained.
Life-guards shall be placed on permanent duty, preferably on floating
platforms/pontoons anchored off-shore with life saving equipment  where
such areas are identified as most unsafe and where very large numbers of
people venture into the sea. Prominently displayed notices and sign-boards
shall indicate where no bathing/swimming shall take place in view of these
spots being dangerous and/or treacherous. Any one wanting to enter into
these areas shall be discouraged and such areas shall be permanently
monitored. However, this shall not include senior citizens and children
sitting/playing at the water’s edge, specially those senior citizens who
immerse their limbs in the sea water to ease rheumatic and other ailments.
Extraction of sand from the beaches and up to 500 meters shall be strictly
monitored and violators prosecuted with jail terms if necessary. Sand dunes
and dune vegetation protection shall be intensified as sand dunes are the
natural barriers preventing environmental disasters. Turtle conservation,
wherever applicable, shall be made mandatory and strictly enforced through
setting up of indigenous bodies comprising of local citizens who know best
and care about this natural treasure. An independent supervisory
jurisdiction shall be set outside of the existing purview of  Forest
Department, to cover the entire western coast as well as estuarine areas of
known  sea turtle  nesting sites and concrete steps shall be taken to
protect these sites from encroachments. Littering on the beaches of Goa
shall be discouraged through general awareness and through placing of
eco-friendly trash bins. Freely available and well advertised toilets/baths
shall be installed away from the beaches and easing on beaches shall be
strictly forbidden. *The policy of placement of shacks on the beaches shall
be reviewed to protect the beaches from being cluttered.* Areas for parking
traditional fishing canoes and boats on the beaches shall be demarcated.
Stray animals such as dogs and cattle shall be picked up by the stray
animal squads to make the beaches free from stray animals. Owners who are
persistent in not attending to their domestic animals which invade the
beaches shall be fined and if necessary prosecuted. Only pets accompanying
their respective owners shall be allowed on the beaches but generally
discouraged. Serious  contamination of beaches by oil-spills in the seas
shall be attended to by the disaster management authorities and the
cleaning of the beaches carried out under its direction.

Floriano Lobo

Gen. Secretary & Candidate for 10 Aldona Constituency for 2016-17 Elections.



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