By:   Dr. Joe D’Souza, Retd Professor of Goa University and Social

Just as it is instinctive for the mosquito to survive on blood and
exhibit parasitic tendencies with human hosts as the target victims,
in Goa we sadly have the insidious mining dependent lobby ever active
targeting Goan natural mineral resources as a source sustenance and
For a parasite the health and the survival of the host is secondary,
as long as the mosquito is able to suck as much blood for its
requirement and more it is of no consequence if the host dies as a
result of parasitism or pathogenicity.
An epidemic can wipe off populations and societies but parasitism as a
way of living is a way of life in lower forms of life.
Unfortunately human society has fallen prey to this vicious, inimical
and self destructive way of life which has transformed mankind from
being hard working hunter, a diligent farmer or a productive labourer
involved in improving the quality of life and living standards of
people into being a parasite involved in plundering, polluting and
sustainability of our ecosystems.
It is a matter of shame that after over 3000 million years of earth’s
history and about 20,000 years of human evolution that a Goan who for
over centuries depended upon the solar energy for sustainability and
development of our society has now considered it imperative that the
rich iron ore and other natural deposits are a source of livelihood
and sustenance.
Like the organs of the human body have vital roles to play, the
minerals in the earth’s surface too have implicit functions. While the
human blood could be regenerated we still are not able to reconstruct
and regenerate the human organs. Similarly the minerals in our earth’s
crust are finite and have a defined purpose.
When we donate or extract vital organs, donate them or ever abuse them
through trade involved in illegal selling of our parts of our body,
there is a handicap for the survival of those living on defective
organs and body parts. In Goa there is a lot of tom-toming and
tom-foolery about the need for legal mining in Goa.
There is absolutely no knowledge or understanding that iron ore
formations in Goa are absolutely necessary for the percolation,
adsorption, absorption and transmission of water inside the bowels of
the earth, but distribution of precious water on the surface of the
Goan land mass.
It is because of blood that oxygen is delivered to and from lungs and
impurities is eliminated through our kidney making life pleasing and
comfortable. So as life without blood and kidneys become a nightmare
for the diseased individual so also the depleting iron ore from the
environment, diseased and sick, be it legal or otherwise. Mining
damages nature’s productivity and health.
It is a sad reality that we are unable to understand the wisdom of the
Chinese people while protecting the health of their natural resources,
ecology and environment for posterity and future generations, our
government with squinted vision do not see the importance of the
branded iron and other mineral formations beyond extraction, sale and
collecting dollars for a few greedy mine owners, whilst allowing the
common man to reel under various respiratory diseases, damaged
agriculture and hunger be it victims of iron, manganese and heavy
metal polluted waters that damage our physiology, affect adversely our
organs, specifically our kidneys and degrade the quality of life of
our people, who have sustained over 10,000 years, without mining
It is a tragedy for Goa and Goans that we have amongst us those
proclaiming that mining is sustainable, when common sense tells that
mineral resource is finite, non-renewable and heaped up in China,
whilst Goan hills are ripped, raped and incapacitated for its water
holding capacity and distribution and a gene pool for bio-diversity
and economic sustainability.
Fortunately, the Shah Commission, the Centrally Empowered Committee of
the Supreme Court, the Goa Foundation and a holistically thinking
environmental group has defied the aggressive approach of parasitic
mining activities. It is atrocious that there are no mining Management
Plans and after mining the abandoned pits are not back-filled, land
reconstituted and the forest regenerated.
The best approach of the Supreme Court is to force upon the Goa
government and the parasites in the mining industry to back-fill,
reclaim and rehabilitate all the butchered hills and re-vegetate the
reclaimed mining pits, which are today responsible for leaching out
toxic heavy metals through the veins, tributaries of flood waters
during the monsoons and keep the mining villages parched and thirsty
during the summers.
No mining should be allowed, instead agricultural bio-productivity,
animal husbandry and solar energy derived bio-mass and bio-fuel
directed to sustain Goa for eternity must be thrust upon, so that the
branded iron still remaining can help Goans in the generations to come
sustain itself eternally on commercial exploitation of the gene pool,
eco-system and nature’s elements for generations to come.
Today iron ore parasitism can only remain for another 50 years and
deprive our coming generations these vital organs of our mother earth
for eternity. We must petition the Supreme Court not only on our own
behalf but specifically on behalf of the generations to come that no
mineral exports be allowed in Goa as our generation has already
over-exploited and damage Goa for eternity in a big way and we must
say no to the final straws on the camel’s back i.e. Goa of our dreams.
The Goan mineral ore is not destined to make the dollar weak or
directed towards strengthening the purchasing power of a few mine
owners for another 50 years but allow us to perennially harness the
fresh water, accumulating each monsoon and generating wealth through
its export to desert nations, which now need water and prepare our
defences against the forthcoming wars which would be fought amongst
men, societies and nations over rights of water security and utility
and not over dollars, which is a paper currency, which would
depreciate, as eco-systems degenerate.
We must ponder, reflect, analyze and accept that China is judiciously
using the minerals and nature’s resources and it is also China alone,
where we see its economy bouncing high and staying healthy.
Indian rupee is sliding down because of our destructive, opportunistic
and parasitic mind set which make our people greedy, lazy and
exploitative. We abuse mother earth and we are slowly seeing our abuse
bounce back to make Goans a society ridden in crimes be it suicides,
murders and numerous acts of cheating and deceit.
We have to wake up and mend our ways before Goa and Goans are found
lost for eternity amidst curses of nature’s fury and gory.

Joe D'Sousa

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