Roland Francis wrote:

The tag of bizarre was given by the Video Creator, a very famous food
critic and commentator, not by me.        Perhaps he wants attention with
his series of 'Bizarre Foods'.      Having said that, to an outsider
certain Goan foods, are certainly bizarre. I don't know about you, but in a
time ago, I certainly ate cooked pork from pigs that fed on human waste.,,,

When I was new to the Arabian Gulf I thought it bizarre when Zi was offered
camel meat. When I actually ate it, it was better than beef.

Can you blame a non Goan, non Indian calling Goan food bizarre? It's all in
one's mind.

Oh yes Francis It's all in one's mind… As Shakespeare said <<<Beauty Lies
In The Eyes of The Beholder>>>

We Goans have to be broadminded, there will be prejudiced people all the
time including leaders

Let me recount what  happens in this country,,,Once upon a time Hindus in
Tanganyika and subsequently Tanzania were looked down because they ate
Chapati …Now on March 2 2021 …what did I say in a lane where I had gone to
collect some prints…..” An African Owned <<<CHAPATI  KING>> Chapati to wrap
beef or chicken on Skewers and If I went to the large Games Shapping Mall,
Azam (An Tanzania Arab Multi Millionaire) one could buy Parotas  put them
in the freezer ready to eat at one’s Convenience.

TWO::: <<<Grandolfo  enjoyed reading your experiences. You state  :::When I
was new to the Arabian Gulf I thought it bizarre when Zi was offered camel
meat. When I actually ate it, it was better than beef. :: TWO B::: Recently
The Chinese went one better and built a Abattoir in Dodoma to slaughter
DONKEYS  or Ponies.  It created an up roar when it was discovered ….Killing
donkeys meant that Maasai women would have to carry water on their head,
and also grain ….What were the Chinese doing with Donkey Meat …no they were
interested not in donkey meat but  BONES  from Donkeys   Apparently donkey
bones  have >>>Medicinal Value>>>> Not for CORVIN 19 but for but some other
ailments ….Female Donkeys are very interesting you try to load a NOT YET
MATURE pony , the mother will just sit down in Protest !!!

So people do eat strange foods and so do Goans …where did they learn this
habit or acquired cuisine of GOA SAUSAGES …..the Colonizers from Portugal …

Don’t be shocked ….Northern Europeans drunk blood from the skulls of their
Enemies ….some of this persisted even in the 17th Century

Beware of the boulders in your eyes before condemning the splinter in your
neighbours eyes


>From Makongo Juu ....No Flying Ants on this Hill.

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