Goa will finally have a full-fledged Governor by way of PS Sreedharan
Pillai. It has been a long wait of almost 11 months but hopefully it will
be worth it. As expected the new Governor may be a BJP man but is
intellectually very sound. Governor Pillai from being a student activist
went on to be a very successful advocate and has been a prolific writer. He
has all the legal acumen and a good academic background to do justice to
the Governor’s role.

Being in Power the BJP has its discretion who to appoint as Governors but
they should look at merit and not transform Raj Bhavans into retirement
homes for the aged party cadres.

Anthony Lancelot Dias from the Civil Service was the first Goan to be
appointed as Governor in West Bengal from 1971 to 1979. Former Chief of the
Army Staff Sunith Francis Rodrigues was the second having been the Governor
of Punjab from 2004 to 2010. If the BJP was keen to appoint someone from
Goa couldn’t it find a distinguished Goan amongst its flock that could have
matched the credentials of the earlier two Goan Governors?

The Goa Assembly elections are ensuing and as Rajendra Arlekar had made
known his intentions to contest, to avoid turbulence on the political turf
the BJP could have accommodated him in some other position. Did the
Governor’s cap fit him? And was Goa so intellectually bankrupt that the BJP
couldn’t send an academically worthy representative to the Rajya Sabha?

In the last over two decades Goa has seen some very outstanding Governors
by way of Lt Gen. J.F.R. Jacob, Dr. S.S.Sidhu, Mr. B.V. Wanchoo and more
recently the formidable Mr. Satya Pal Malik, while we have also witnessed
and had to put up with some from the other end of the spectrum of whom less
said the better.

Let us hope our new Governor, PS Sreedharan Pillai will usher the much
needed ray of hope for Goa and Goans by being very pro-active in the
discharge of his duties and responsibilities as the Constitutional head of
our State which today sadly finds itself at crossroads with bad governance
and demonstrative paralysis on all fronts.

Adv. Aires Rodrigues

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com

You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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