Dear All,
The GWS is organizing a Picnic on the 4th   Sunday November 2007. A Lunch!!
     Venue:  Naivasha at Camp Carnelley (Fisherman's Camp)
A fun day out to relax and enjoy the games: Tambola, soccer, telematch and
lots of other games.
Costs For the Lunch & Entrance:   Adults    500shs
                                                Children 300shs
Note: Costs do not include drinks and transport.
All to meet up at the Goan Gymkhana on the 4th at 6.30am to depart to
Those interested in transport, kindly send your names to any of our members.
The costs for Transport will be confirmed latter depending on our exact
Dead line to confirm for the Trip: 30th October 2007.
Members to contact: Colin             0722 736410
                             Christo          0722 203454
                             John             0722 217215
                             Lena             0722 722790
                             Vincent         0722 656661
For & on behalf of GWS
Dee - Vona

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