To Goanet -

V. Raghunathan's work "Games Indians Play" (Penguin books, 2006) 
is an entertaining little book.  I read it first during a Delhi-Bangalore 
flight in 2006.  The author looks at the quagmire that is India 
through the lens of Game Theory, in particular its special case 
known as Prisoner's Dilemma.  The idea is simple - Indians are 
given to 'defect', not 'cooperate.'

Raghunathan identifies 12 characteristics that he refers to as the
"canons of Indianness" -

1.  Low trustworthiness.

2.  Being privately smart and publicly dumb.

3.  Fatalistic outlook.

4.  Being too intelligent for our own good.

5.  Abysmal sense of public hygiene.

6.  Lack of self-regulation and sense of fairness.

7.  Reluctance to penalize wrong conduct in others.

8.  Mistaking talk for action.

9.  Deep-rooted corruption and a flair for free riding.

10. Inability to follow or implement systems.

11. A sense of self-worth that is massaged only if
we have the 'authority' to break rules.

12. Propensity of look for loop holes in laws.

The book ends with a chapter on "Gita and Game Theory"
where the author (he says he is not religious) points out that 
Krishna's central message - exhortation to action without 
attachment to it - is a prescription for cooperative collective 
behavior and is validated by Game Theory.



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