GaneshChaturti  festival.

While we may be very familiar with the festival outward signs of Pandal and
grandeur and visharjan   there is something more admirable and praise.
worthy. The families unite to celebrate  the festival  by forming groups
 , who will shoulder the responsibility  of arranging the formalities
associated with the festival.It is an unique ocassion  for  old and young
to interact and get a first glimpse of the evolving  family tree.No
distance is too far to the group members  to come to face to face on this
auspicious festival .There are no excuses to be  doled out for being absent
but participation is voluntary and looked forward to..In fact it is the
happy occassion, once in a year to share company in a spirit  of cordial
Normally the  age old ancestral  house is reserved  and preserved  for this
special occasion .All the modern  amenities are provided for the meetings
and to stay  .The preparation of food is a loving exercise of women of the
families,  Sometimes  special cooks are  being hired to do the needful , so
as to provide women  time to relax  from  daily routine and enjoy  free
from the yoke  grinding daily  kitchen  responsibilities.  At times the
group is too large that gathering takes the form of strangers in the crowd
to interact more closel.As the result some families have started the
celebrations  separately away from joint  ancestral places.The economic
considerations too weigh heavily associated with the .festivities .As the
alternative the burden of expenses  could be shared equally by joint
celebrations.  The financial burden, arrangements  in  the future should
not be a disincentive   to continue with unity of families involveled
.Guard is maitained by residing on the premises but most retire to their
respective homes to reunite again the next day.
This wonderful purpose of the union of members of families  old and young ,
irrespective of individual status , positions to mingle to gether in
solidarity is the highlight of the festival and most precious  aim to
strenghten  and be genuinely proud of  the family bonds .
Inspite of hindrances the rich traditions of coming together of families is
the core of the celebrations. It not only enhances intimate  interactions
but provides the knowledge about the offsprings, their advancements in an
atmosphere of friendship.
Gamesh  chathurti bridges the distances between families to unite in a
spirit of equality, casting   aside the egos of positions,  status in the
society .The pride of being the member of a greater clan  is the sentiment
of rejoicing
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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