From: b sabha <>

From: Fr. Cedric Prakash sj 

Gifts for the New Year 2017
-Fr. Cedric Prakash sj*

Christmas Season is a time for gift-giving; that New Year’s Day falls bang in 
the midst of it, adds to the significance of the season. In welcoming and 
celebrating the first day of 2017, there are eight wonderful gifts, one should 
give to oneself and to others today and for every day of the year. These are:

Gift of Peace
It is a much-needed and perhaps the best gift we can give ourselves and to each 
other this Christmas. Real peace is a vibrant, living and tangible one. It is 
not the peace of the graveyard, but the peace which ordinary people can 
experience in the marketplace, in a crowded railway station, in a shopping 
mall, in a place of worship in a discotheque- yes everywhere where they can rub 
shoulders with one another and create space for the other, irrelevant of the 
colour of one’s skin of or one’s ethnicity or religion or caste or class The 
peace of equality and dignity. The first message which the angels give to 
ordinary shepherds whilst heralding the birth of Jesus is “Peace on Earth: to 
all men and women of goodwill!” Today is the World Day of Peace and we pray for 
the gift of Peace for ALL!

Gift of Nonviolence
On this World Day of Peace, Pope Francis has given the world a very relevant 
theme to reflect and act upon ‘Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace’. In 
his message he emphatically says that, “violence is not the cure for our broken 
world.” Pope Francis also reminds us of icons of nonviolence and peace like 
Mahatma Gandhi, Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, 
Leymah Gbowee and the thousands of Liberian women – all of them deserving of 
emulation. It is certainly not easy to be nonviolent in a world that seems to 
have institutionalised violence. The most prized gifts for little children at 
Christmas are toy guns and violent video games. We easily blame ‘terrorists’, 
conveniently forgetting those who profit in manufacturing and peddling arms and 
ammunition to every side in a war. We have seen enough of violence in this past 
year (last night a New Year’s party in Istanbul was attacked killing almost 
forty revellers), wars and conflicts at every level: countries at war, civil 
wars and domestic violence.  Nonviolence is the gift we need for a meaningful 
and lasting peace.

Gift of Justice
 Much of the conflicts in today's world are because of injustices meted out to 
particular sections of society. Deprivations, exploitation, human rights 
violations abound everywhere. We generally don’t seem to care about them –as 
long as we are not affected! Just a few days ago, a UN Security Council 
resolution on the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, has been totally 
disregarded, even as most countries of the world support the Palestinian cause. 
Then we have the UN Climate Change Conferences which have resulted in the 
‘Paris Agreement’ and which today has been signed by 194 countries. However, in 
a deplorable U-turn some countries feel that they can no longer be held 
responsible for the climate changes the world has been subjected to. Human 
rights defenders, the world over, have become soft targets for the powerful. We 
need to be united and resolute, wherever we are, in fighting injustices. We 
need to gift ourselves with a more just world!

Gift of Truth
The so-called ‘powerful leaders’ of our   world embark on outrageous lies to 
keep people divided, submissive and subjugated We experience it happening all 
the time: from India to the United States! In India, these myths, half-truths 
and preposterous reasoning have been given a new name ‘fekuisms’. During the 
time of Hitler, the underlying principle was “repeat a lie a thousand times and 
it becomes the truth”; something which his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels 
mastered to perfection. The propagation of untruth is today regarded as 
‘Goebbelsian’. A large section of the media today is coporatorised, bought up 
or just kotows to the ideology of vested interests. Mahatma Gandhi together 
with his doctrine of nonviolence (ahimsa) was also adamant on ‘the force of 
truth’(satyagraha), Truth seekers and whistle-blowers are hounded and done away 
with. Our world desperately needs to mainstream truth as never before!

Gift of Liberty
Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us that “a piece of freedom is no longer enough 
for human beings...unlike bread, a slice of liberty does not finish hunger. 
Freedom is like life. It cannot be had in installments. Freedom is 
indivisible--we have it all, or we are not 
free!”.<> People everywhere continue to be 
denied their liberty: millions forcibly displaced: child- labourers robbed of 
their childhood; women dominated and oppressed by patriarchy; higher castes 
enslaving those below them; the many in prisons without a fair trial; migrant 
workers tied up in feudal systems- the list is endless! Then there is ‘fear’ – 
which grips so many in society today. We label the ‘other’ so easily; we become 
suspicious of their dress or the language they speak!  Liberty is a priceless 
gift and we need to reflect it in our attitudes, in the way we treat and reach 
out to others.

Gift of Joy
We celebrate today the feast of Mary Mother of God and we are reminded how Mary 
kept " all things in her heart”. The sublime joy of Mary, a mother and our 
Mother, as she looks upon her son Jesus. True joy is something internal and 
deeply spiritual. There are of course the external manifestations of 
celebration: as the clock struck twelve last nights, there were fireworks and 
shouting, the honking of cars and the hooting of trumpets from Tonga to Samoa, 
over a twenty-two hours’ period. All were certainly happy to say ‘goodbye’ to 
one year and ‘welcome’ the other. The fact is that external manifestations of 
joy however necessary, are short-lived. The world cries for the simple joys of 
life: the ability to spend time with the poor and the excluded; the orphan and 
the old; the sick and the lonely. To reach out to another in silent, hidden, 
unassuming ways. The gentle touch, the warm embrace!  We all need to experience 
that real joy and to share it with others every day of 2017!

Gift of Love
Joy which brings fulfilment, is also love which is tangible. Many in our world 
today have become pawns to the venom spewed out by our so-called ‘leaders’ who 
spare no efforts in making their hate and divisive agenda reach every corner of 
their constituency. They easily discriminate against the vulnerable; use the 
most derogative language; talk about building walls and have no qualms of 
conscience in being ready to unleash a nuclear war. The world urgently needs 
the soothing balm of love: to touch, to heal, to make whole again. The love 
that means, compassion and mercy; that demonstrates   reconciliation and 
forgiveness. It is the basic tenet of every major faith of this world. Love, we 
know, never fails. It is a fool-proof way to negate the blood and the hate that 
has spilt everywhere. Love indeed is the greatest of gifts-and has to be 
manifested in deeds!

Gift of Change
Today at the helm of the United Nations we have a new Secretary General, 
Antonio Guterres; the world looks forward to his stewardship with much 
expectation. Ban Ki- moon who has just laid down office after ten years, 
certainly did a great job in the face of many difficulties and hostilities 
Guterres brings to his office a hands on experience of dealing with refugees 
and displaced persons as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees for almost ten 
years, earlier. The world certainly needs change at every level; but we all 
need change for the better. It does not matter who we are, what we do or the 
position and the power we hold- what will ultimately triumph is our belief that 
we can contribute positively to our world. We need to be the change we want to 
see- very specially in the small, simple, ordinary things of daily life.

Above all, as we enter the New Year 2017, we need to have the courage to gift 
CHANGE and the humility to share it with others!

  January 1st 2017

Fr. Cedric Prakash sj
Advocacy & Communications
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) MENA Region
Rue de L'Universitie Saint-Joseph
Achrafieh 11002150 BEIRUT  LEBANON
Mobile:+961- 70-843-995<tel:%2B961%2070-843-995>
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