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Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia -Wild) is Amrita- Most effective repellent
in Swine-Flu Outbreak !!

Giloy is one of the most useful ayurvedic herb which acts as tonic and
aphrodisiac, it is also an antihelminthic, anti-arthritic,
anti-periodic, anti-pyretic, blood purifier, cardiac, carminative,
digestive, diuretic an expectorant, stomachic, rejuvenating,
appetizing and anti-inflammatory,

In Ayurvedic literature Giloy is described as Amrita because of its
innumerable medicinal properties and it is also said to increase the
lifespan of humans by preventing them from many chronic diseases.
Giloy is one of the most useful ayurvedic herb which acts as tonic and
aphrodisiac, it is also an antihelminthic, anti-arthritic,
anti-periodic, anti-pyretic, blood purifier, cardiac, carminative,
digestive, diuretic an expectorant, stomachic, rejuvenating,
appetizing and anti-inflammatory. Starch from the roots of Giloy as
well as from its stems can be used for chronic diarrhoea and
dysentery. The juice of the fresh plant is diuretic and is used in
gonorrhea. It is also useful for curing chronic fevers, gouts,
vomiting, cardiac debility, skin diseases, leprosy, anemia, cough,
asthma, jaundice, seminal weakness, uropathy and splenopathy.

Tinospora cordifolia (Wild) , which is commonly known as Giloy or
Gudachia. It belongs to the family of Menispermaceae and is a vigorous
climber. Its English name is Gulancha Tinospora. There are about 40
species of Giloy which are found throughout the world, comprising
parts of Africa, Southern Eastern Asia, and Australia. Out of 40
species only 4 species have been found in India. These consist of :
(i) Tinospora cardifolia; (ii) T. sinensis; (iii) T. malabarica; and
(iv) T. tomentosa. T. cardifolia is, however, mainly found in the
tropical and subtropical regions of India ascending an altitude of 300
m to 1200 m above mean sea level. Contrary to this, T. malabarica
grows up to 1300 m above mean sea level. Both these species are found
in association with each other in the warmer and mainly valley areas
of Uttarakhand. In fact, T. cordifolia is an indigenous plant species
belonging to the tropical areas of India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. It is
an important herb used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.

Tinospora Cordifolia, Guduchi, Giloy
Famous Yoga Guru and Herbal Specialist Swami Baba Ramdeo said that
Swine is cause of lack of resistant power of our bodies. He given some
tips for save from swine flu. He told that every body should increase
his resistant power . Take GILOY (AMTA)'s one foot long branch and
seven leaf of TULSI and mix it and collect juice of this mixture in a
pot . Now boil this juice and drink it. This herbal juice increases
our body resistant up to three times. By which we can save from H1N1

Nilgiri oil

Use "Nilgiri Oil" drops on handkerchiefs and masks as one of the
preventive measures against swine flu - (N I V) National Institute of

Fennel Seeds

Drinking a decoction made of fennel seeds soaked in warm water first
thing in the morning could prevent you from catching swine flu says a
study published in a Chinese medical research magazine.

Medicinal uses of Tinospora cordifolia (Wild):

. Skin diseases: Juice taken with neem, haldi and amla is very effective.
. Piles: Juice of Tinospora with butter milk is useful.
. Breast milk: Decoction of the stem is given to improve the quality
of breast milk.
. Toxins: It is considered a best herb for clearing microcirculatory
system. Its juice is very effective in removing both exogenous and
endogenous toxins. It clears out the brain toxin that inhibits mental
. Asthma: The root and bark with whey is used in the treatment of
respiratory troubles particularly in asthma.
. Diabetes: Juice is taken in high quantities.
. Excessive bleeding during menstruation, bleeding after abortion or
delivery: Stem, leaves and roots can be used. About 5 g each of leaves
and roots are crushed together to extract the juice. Consume 2 cup of
this juice for a few days after diluting it with water (2 to 3 ml in
half a cup of water) till the condition improve.
. Malaria and other fever : Decoction of the stem with pipli (Piper
longum) and honey is taken.
. Indigestion: The juice with honey or the paste of leaves can be
given with butter milk.
. Conjuctivitis and cataract : In some parts of India the juice is
applied inside the eyes.

Giloy Dosage
. Powder 1-2 gm. up to maximum 5 gm.
. Decoction 50-100 ml
. Extract 1-2 ml

Giloy is a large extensively spreading, glabrous, perennial, deciduous
climber having succulent stems and corky dotted bark with grey-brown
or creamy-white color. The leaves are simple, membranous, alternate
broadly ovate, deeply cordate and shortly acuminate. Its flowers are
small, yellow or greenish-yellow in appearance when the plant is
leafless. They are usually solitary in the female and clustered in the
male plant. The fruits are generally drupes and red in color when they
ripe. The drupes are ovoid, glossy, succulent, red and seeds are
curved. Usually, fruits bear only one seed.

The flowering in Giloy usually starts in the month of March-June and
fruit set in the month of July and mature in the cold season. The most
important part of the plant used for therapeutic purpose is fresh
stem, though it is commercially available in the market (Grocer's
shops) in the dried state.

The main important chemical constituent of the plant are tinosporin,
perberillin, palmarin, berberine, tinosporon, hepta consol tinosporic
acid adntinosporol. The fresh stem bark yield giloin, giloinin and
gilosterol. Hypoglycaemia agent and phenolic lignin have also been
isolated from this plant.

Other uses
It is used in cancer prevention, cancer treatment support, high
cholesterol and liver protection. It is used as strong anti-aging
factor. Many natives use the fruits of Tinospora in face care. It has
been used to treat convalescence from severe illness, arthritis, food
allergies and anemia. According to some herbalists, Tinospora has
adaptogen effects, a term that indicates it helps the body to adopt to
stress. In children it is used in general debility, digestive
disturbance, loss of appetite and fever.

Giloy can be successfully grown in large variety of soils, ranging
from loamy sand/sandy loam or loam to clay loam. However, the soil
should be well drained with sufficient moisture.

Planting is usually done during rainy season (July to August). As it
is climber so it requires support. Fast growing species such as
Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) and Moringa (Moringa oleifera) are planted
for providing support to Giloy plant.

Propagation through seeds and cuttings:

Although Giloy is propagated through seeds and cuttings yet
propagation through cutting is cheaper and easy as compared to seeds.
Cuttings do not require any chemical treatments which enhance the
rooting before planting. As such they are propagated from cuttings of
the plants within 24 hours. The main precaution is that the cuttings
should have at least two internodes. One is put inside the soil
surface and the other one should remain outside the soil surface. In
case of seeds propagation, it requires some chemical treatments before
sowing in the nursery bed. Initially at the time of planting, watering
is required daily while during winter it can be done once in a week
depending upon climatic conditions.

The powder is taken in empty stomach with half cup of water in the
morning. The decoction is taken after diluting with half a glass of
water early in the morning in empty stomach. The extract is also taken
early in the morning in empty stomach after mixing with half a glass
of water.

In Ayurvedic products Giloy plant is used for the preparation of
various types of ayurvedic products like Yograja guggulu, Kaishore
guggulu, Sanjivani-vati, Amritarista, Sudarshan churan.

Parts of Giloy used for curing diseases
Stem-Fever, Acidity, Blood purification and Eye disease
Fruit-Rheumatism, Jaundice

Most Common Uses:
The stem, root and leaf of Guduchi is used in the form of juice and
decoction to treat fever, irregular fever, chronic fever, jaundice
thrist vomiting, arthritis, skin diseases, cough, as rejuveniative for
purifying breast-milk, , eye diseases. Irregular fever One should take
decoction of guduci, nimba (azadirachta indica) and amalaki
(Phyllanthus emblica) mixed with honey (40-60 ml) ,  Amlapitta (Acid
gastritis) Decoction of guduci, nimba (azadirachta indica) and patola
(Trichosanthes dioica) leaves mixed with honey alleviates varied forms
of severe acid gastritis /amlapitta . Arthritis / Vatarkta For
arthritis, milk cooked with guduci decoction is recommended (40-60 ml)
Decoction prepred with 30gm of guduci, suthi (zingiber officinale) and
dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum) alleviates arthritis and skin diseases /
40-60 ml.

Scientific Prevention of Swine Flue using Household Products
1.        Inhale Clove Oil (Lavang) For 1 Second.
2.        Chew 1 Clove In a Day
3.        Eat Raw Garlic (Lasun), Onion, Ginger (Aale) (1 to 5gm)
4.        Drink Hot Milk With 2gm of Turmeric
5.        Consume Plenty Of Vit C Fruits-Lemon/Avala
6.        Eat 8 to 6 leaves of Tulsi empty Stomach Twice a day
7.        Burn Camphor oil in your room, office a slight camphor oil
all the time which keeps different air bone diseases away.

Language vizaviz vernacular word for Tinospora cordifolia (Wild)

Arabic (2)      - gilo, sat gilo
Bengali (3)- gulancha, gurchi, glancha

Hindi (20)-     giloe, amrta, giloy, gulanca, gulancha, gulbel, gurach,
gurcha, gul-bel, gurch, guluncha, nim giloy, gurja, gulj-gloe, ushwa,
gilai, neem gilol, adharvela, neem-gilol, neem-giloi

Homeopathy (1) - tinospora cordifolia

Kannada (23) - amrtaballi, amrytaballi, madhuparne, madhuparni,
uganiballi, yuganiballi, agniballi, amarada balli, amrutha balli,
gudoochi, madhu parni, phalani, amrita balli, amara, amaradaballi,
amritaballi, amritaburu, amruthaballi, amrytaburu, amritha,
amrithaballi, kaadu haaku kaare, madhuparka

Malayalam (15) - amrtu, amrytu, cit-amerdu, cittamrtu, peyamrytam,
sittamrytu, amrita, amritu, chittamritu, cirramrytu, citamardoo,
citamerdu, cittamrytam, jivanti, peyyamritam

Marathi (14) - gul-vel, gul-bel, giroli, gul-wail, gula-veli, guloe,
ambarvel, gharol, gulavela, gulaveli, gulvel, garudbael, gudambael,
Persian (2) - gul-bel, gulbel
Sanskrit (65) - amara, amrita, amritalata, amritavallari, amritavalli,
amrta, amrtahva, amrtavalli, amurta, bhishak tantrika, bhishakpriya,
caksalaksanika, chakralaksana, chakrangi, chandrahasa, chandrapasa,
chchinna, chchinnaruha, chchinnodbava, chchinnodhana, chikralakshana,
chinnaroha, chinnaruha, chinnodbhava, cittamrt, dhira, gaduchi,
goraksha, guduchi, guduci, guducika, guloochee, guluchi, guluci,
jivanthika, jivanti, jivantiha, jivantika, jwaranashini, jwarari,
kaphadani, ksandraparni, kundalini, kundalli, madhuparni,
madhuparnika, nagakumarika, nirjara, pamrodhara, pittaghni, pittagni,
rasayani, shyama, soma-valli, somalatika, somavalli, surakrita,
tantri, uddhara, vara, vataraktari, vatsadani, vayastha, vishalya,

Tamil (191) - amarutavalli, amridavalli, amudam, asasi, cintilikkoti,
kaippuchindil, kunali, narsindil, niraidarudian, padalamulan,
paganrai, cintil, shindil kodi, seenthil, cintil kilanku, cintil koti,
amirtakkoti, sindal, shindil-kodi, shindil-shakkarai, seendil,
sindhil, chintil, cindil, acaci#, acaci@, aiyam1, akacavalli,
akacavallikkoti, akaci, akayavalli, akkinicikam, amarai, amiltakkoti,
amirta, amirtai1, amirtakoti, amirtam2, amirtamalakam, amirtatalaicci,
amirtavalli@, amukam1, amurtavalli, amutai1, amutam1, amutavi1,
arucam, arukacikkoti, arukam, arukanci, arukkucali, avalli, avicali,
cakamuli#, cakatamuli1, cakatuntam@, cakkaralatcanam, cancivi1,
cankacakkoti, cankacam, cantira, cantiraputpam1, cilaki, cilakikkoti,
cilam, cilanti#, cilantikakkoti, cilantikam, cinnaruka, cinnarukai,
cinnarukam, cinnarutam, cintukkoti, civakamuli1, civan, civanti1@,
civantikam#, civantil, civantiri, civantirikkoti, civetai2, civvanti,
comavalakam1, comavalli, cucitakkoti, cucitam, cukkumacintikkoti,
cukkumacintil, cukkumam, curamatil, cuvetakantam1, ettikakkoti,
ettikam, ettikkoti, irecaki, irecakikkoti, kacci2, kaippuccintil,
kaluci#, kaluci@, kaluki, kanam 1, kantakakkoti, kantakam, kantam,
karimukavaci, katavam, kecaramutaiyan, kelikam1, kenci, kentakarani2,
kotiyavisakari, kulappacimatu, kunali2, kuntali3, kuntaliya, kuticci1,
kutuci, makapapattalaki, maruntati, maruntatikkoti, mativamiyakkoti,
mativamiyam, mativampal, mativampalkoti, matiyampal, matuparan,
matuparinikai, matuparnikai, matuparunikai, nitaitaruturu,
nocikakkoti, nocikam, ocitakkoti, ocitam#, parivai 1#, parivai 1@,
parivaikkoti, paruni 1, parunikai, parunikaikkoti, patalamulam 2,
patalamuli 1, pattinimatu, ponnavalli, ponravalli, reraki,
talaiccurul1, talaiccuruli1, talaiccuruni1, tantirakam, tantiram,
tevaniram, timirakkatavi, tittamirtam, tittaparuvan, tulavai,
turupulappam, turuputkarakkoti, turuputkaram, turuputpam,
motiraikenkai, mulakampakaittan, mutantakkoti, narcintil, nateyam1,
niraitaruturu#, niraitaruturu@, vencintil, vencintirkoti,
venkaipatukani, verarku, vetiyati, vicalikkoti, virutalatanam, upavam,
upavari, upavarikkoti, vaccakani, vaccatani#, vaccatani@,
vaccatanikkoti, vacikaram 1, vallika, vallikakkoti, vallikkantam,
vanci 1, vapamatu, vayamatu, vayatikakkoti, vellaiccintil.

Telugu (36) - amrta, duyutige, guduchi, guluchi, guricha, iruluchi,
jivantika, madhuka, manapala, somida, tellatippatige,
tippa-tige-sattu, tippatege-veru, tippatiga, tippatige, tippa teega,
kora patta tige, telle tippa tige, duya teega, galuchi, guduci,
guluci, kodupurutheega, thipatheega, thippateega, tippatingai,
tippatingay, dooyuthige, galoochi, gudoochi, guloochi, iruloochi,
jeevanthika, manapaala, thellathippathige, thippathige.

Urdu (5) - gilo, satgilo, gilo khushk, gilo-i-sabz, sat gilo
Dr.Anjali Mohan Rao,
Indology Goa
GIRIVAR, Opp.Dhempe College, Miramar Beach, Post-Caranzalem,
City-Panaji, Goa 403002 INDIA
Phone: 0091-832-2462195 Cellphone: 0091-9422057786

website: http://www.indologygoa.in

"All the phenomena of existence are one single thing in the ultimate
dimension of the unborn." 

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