Giving is a joyous boon
It dispels  darkness at noon
Giving is not extra to share
But humanity and human welfare  to show you  care

There is so much of need  to give
Keep your eyes , ears open facts  to believe
Your  little  concern for aid can do wonders
But seriously those  who can afford  must ponder

Giving is not only to those you know
Remember in lives of recipients adds  a glow
Our attitude of giving like a river must  flow
The seed of goodness into a fruitfull  tree  will grow

The left hand must not know what right hand does
Avoid loud publicity , propaganda buzz
The deserving recipient must not be publicly  humiliated
The purpose of  secrecy of aid will be  defeated

Giving is also by word, thought and kind act
Recipient appreciate and positively react
One tenth of income to charity is the law
Applies also to preachers without any exception of  flaw

Do not remotely  expect any  return favour
The purpose  will be defeated of love's  labour
Spreading on the face of receiver  smile the joy
A matter of pride for both  to rejoice and  enjoy

The joy of giving  provides an opportunity
To fulfill the need of deserving with dignity
An act of charity without pride
Not on glamour and publicity to ride

Confined not to rich but even the poor
When deserving is in sight or knock on your door
Blessings of heavenly rewards will pour
Acts of kindness  will not be  in vain be sure.

We do enhance ,magnify our own need
In excess of  basic requirement is greed
It is  an obligation in  calamities  helpless to feed
The suffering, crying for want  be attended indeed

Be it in animal kingdom, insects or birds we see emphaty
Hard hearted humans are averse to sympathy
Act of doing good for goodness sake
Humans must rise, be compassionate and be awake

Unexpected and surprise generosity and aid
With a magnimous  heart and mind be paid
Victims of wars; floods earthquakes for help cry
Do your very  best in any way,  attempt and try

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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