'Jagotik Konknni Songhotton' (JKS) established!

On Aug.20, 2011 - on 'World Konkani Day', history was created.
'Jagotik Konknni Songhotton' - J.K.S. (Global Konkani Organization),
was established. This is indeed a momentous event!
'JKS' unites Konkani people through-out the globe and will strive to
ensure a bright future for our beloved mother tongue, Konkani.

126 organizations from 13 countries around the world, have joined
'Jagotik Konknni Songhotton'.

Goa - 35
Maharashtra - 17
Karnataka - 43
Kerala - 9
Delhi - 1
U.A.E - 1
Qatar - 2
Kuwait - 5
Oman - 1
Bahrain - 1
Saudi - 2
U.S.A. - 2
Canada - 2
Australia - 1
U.K. - 2
Pakistan - 1
Israel - 1.

The First Global General Assembly of JKS assembled at Kalaangann,
Mangalore, that morning (Aug 20), presided over by Shri Louis J.
Pinto, President, Mandd Sobhann (the promoters of   'Jagotik Konknni
Songhotton'). The General Assembly adopted the Constitution, decided
the Plan of Action and elected the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee, which met that afternoon, elected the Office
Bearers for the term.

The following were elected:

- President                   - Shri Tomazinho Cardozo, Goa
- Vice President (India)  - Shri K.K. Utharan, Kerala
- Vice President (Gulf)   - Shri Pascal Pinto, Kuwait
- Vice President (other countries)   - Shri Rene Barreto,U.K.
- General Secretary       - Shri Eric Ozario, Mangalore
- Associate Secretary     - Shri Lawrence D'Souza, Mumbai
- Treasurer                    - Shri Roy Castelino, Mangalore
- P.R.O                         - Shri Ancy  Paladka , Mumbai

- Shri Michael Gracias, Goa
- Shri Sidhanath Buyao, Goa
- Shri Thomas C. Fernandes, Goa
- Shri Premanand Lotlikar, Goa
- Shri Ramanand Raikar, Goa
- Shri Canute Menezes, Mumbai
- Shri Edwin F. D'Souza, Sindhudurg
- Shri M.S. Kamath, Bangalore
- Shri Vasant Bandekar, Karwar
- Shri Vally Vagga, Mysore
- Shri Vasudev Shanbhag, Sirsi
- Shri K. Vijayan , Kerala
- Shri Vincent Menezes, Delhi
- Shri James Mendonca, U.A.E
- Shri Stanley Fernandes, Oman
- Dr. Austin Prabhu, U.S.A
- Shri Ronald Fernandes, Canada
- Shri Richard Moras, Bahrain
- Shri Arun D'Souza Palimar, Saudi Arabia

- Shri Stanley D'Cruz, Australia
- Shri Johnson D'Souza, Israel
- Shri Simon D'Silva, Qatar
- Ms. Deborah Santamaria, Pakistan

The same evening, at 5:30, at the St. Aloysius I.T. Hall, 'World
Konkani Day' was celebrated. Shri Hamsalekha, the most eminent Kannada
Film-Music Director, was the Chief Guest. He lauded the unparalleled
contribution of Konkanis to the world.

JKS was formally launched on the occasion - by the internationally
famous Psychiatrist, Dr. K.A. Ashok Pai. He said that it was time to
take Konkani to the world.

The Office Bearers and the Members of the Executive Committee were
introduced to the august gathering. They ceremoniously took an oath.

We specially thank Mandd Sobhann for taking the initiative in
promoting 'Jagotik Konknni Songhotton' and for organizing the First
Global General Assembly and 'World Konkani Day' Celebrations.

The formation of JKS is a great event in the history of Konkani. It
certainly augurs well for the future of Konkani.

- Tomazinho Cardozo, President
- Eric Ozario, General Secretary
- Ancy Paladka, P.R.O.

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