Dubai College gives warm farewell to head caretaker
Go-to man Conceicao Sousa hangs up his boots after 36 years

Published:  June 24, 2019 13:38

Sharmila Dhal
Deputy UAE Editor

PHOTO: Mr Conceicao Souza at the Dubai College, Dubai.
Credit: Antonin Kélian Kallouche/Gulf News

DUBAI: If theres one number everyone in Dubai College has on
their speed dial, it's that of Conceicao Sousa.

          As head caretaker of the British curriculum
          secondary school in Al Sufouh, where he has been
          working for 36 of its 40 years of existence, Sousa
          is the go-to man for anything anyone needs: from
          setting up classroom tables and getting the lights
          fixed to providing logistical support for an event
          or just finding something that's missing.

So when the 67-year-old Indian retired from service on June
13, the warm farewell that the school staff and his 15-member
team gave him was expectedly nostalgic.

"I feel so blessed," said Sousa, who has had the privilege of
working with all the three bursars of the school since its

"I was hired by Tony Fulger, the first bursar, way back in
1983.  There was nothing here then -- only desert all around
us and the Hard Rock Cafe at a distance," he said, as he
recounted delightful tales from the past.

          "My favourite memory is that of an Arab man who
          would come here in a pickup to steal water from our
          water tank.  One day, I stopped him and asked him
          why he was doing it.  Camel, he replied.  It
          appeared that it was the only word in English that
          he knew.  When I promptly informed the bursar about
          the exchange, he said to let the man be.  Three
          days later, the Arab returned, this time with a big
          can filled with camel milk.  It was his way of
          saying thank you."

Fast forward to 2019 and Sousa, a father of three, said he is
proud to have seen the sprawling desert around him transform
into a bustling school campus, with 10 buildings over 19
acres of land.  And if Dubai College, an outstanding school,
also boasts of being one of the cleanest campuses, much of
the credit goes to him.

"Our school got the second and third place in cleanliness
competitions in 1992 and 1993," he said, adding that he was
personally given the Unsung Hero Award at the Education
Journal Middle East Awards in 2017 after being nominated by
the school.

Many students, who have graduated and returned to the school
as teachers, have fond memories of him. "They tell their
children who study here now about all my secrets."

PHOTO: Conceicao Senior Sports Dinner at 2019

          In a rare gesture, Debra Turpie, head of alumni
          relations and communications and marketing, said,
          "In November this year, we have invited Sousa to be
          the guest of honour at our annual alumni social
          event in London.  He is very excited to travel from
          Goa where he is headed after retirement as he can
          reconnect with 36 years' worth of ex-colleagues and
          students.  He is particularly looking forward to
          meeting Fulgar and Graham Penson, a former teacher,
          now in Australia, whom he considers his best friend."

Annie Kirkcaldy, the headmaster's assistant, said, "The
school also held a staff vs caretaker cricket match as part
of Sousa's leaving event. It was followed by a social hosted
by the headmaster and attended by the majority of the Dubai
College staff.  We also had a senior sports dinner where he
was invited as guest of honour to present the sports colours
to our Sixth Form students.  He is a true gentleman and we
will all miss him." Rich tributes

"Conceicao joined Dubai College in 1983 and has worked his
way up to being the head of the caretaking team.  This title
though does not reflect the contribution made by him in
keeping the school running smoothly.  Nothing is ever too
much trouble for him and he regularly identifies issues and
solves them before anyone else is aware they even exist.  It
is a measure of his knowledge and the confidence that people
have in him that the standard response when looking to set up
an event is 'Ask Conceceio, he will know what to do'." --Kieran Dempsey,

"Conceicao is the lynch pin of Dubai College.  His
encyclopedic knowledge of the way Dubai College functions is
second to none.  Nothing is too much trouble for him and he
is able to anticipate all our needs.  He has a phenomenal
memory and once an event that he has set up has taken place,
the next time you just need to mention it and he will reel
off to you what needs to be done as if he has read your mind.
Events like Music Charity Love, World Food Day, Musical
Performances, even exams, would simply not happen so smoothly
without him and his team. --Liz John, Head of Modern Foreign Languages

"Conceicao -- I have worked closely with him for 20 years!
He would be number one on my speed dial, just ahead of my
wife.  Dubai College would collapse without this hard
working, kind and generous man.  Nothing is too much for him.
Staff, students and parents alike love him and my own
children, (8 and 9 years old), call him the Ice Cream Man."
--Martin Woolley, Head of Lower School


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