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Goa's Politics.

Whom to support in the next general election? BJP? Why? Is it because it is a secular party? No, not at all, it is purely a communal party like MGP. It took us long years to demolish MGP. Now it is our turn to demolish BJP also otherwise Parrikar and Co. will annihilate Christians from Goa. To do this, they have strong support from migrants settled in Goa. These migrants are anti-Goan and communal in nature. We have to be totally united in our resolve to demolish BJP from Goa. Our religious leaders once supported clandestinely BJP when Patriarch Rahul Gonsalves was Patriarching Goa’s Archidiocese. Worst of the crimes against Christians happened during the regime of Rahul Gonsalves because he was unfit to occupy that august chair at Altinho. He was when selected to occupy the throne at Altinho it was not done thru consensus with democratic follow up but he was imposed from top by a coterie of few individuals seating somewhere else away from Goa. For this reason he failed to get allegiance from his subordinates and many priests in the bargain turned rebels during his regime. Now in the coming election, under the new head Neri, Church must remain united in its resolve to openly oppose BJP and Parrikar who think he is all powerful. With the total backing of the Church in Goa anything we can achieve. For example, language agitation attained success only because of the wholesale support of the Church. Current agitation against Regional Plan 2011 is gaining total momentum only because of the total support of the Church.

The second factor in the success of our causes is the support of our tiatrists. Since the inception of tiatro, our tiatrists brothers and sisters always supported our causes and our community in particular. In the first general election of Goa and also for the Opinion Poll success, tiatriasts have player a stellar role. Those days gigantic tiatrists and singers namely Kid Boxer, M. Dod de Verna, M. Boyer and Con-Nel-Ant gave their soul to support the causes of Goa for Goans and for Konkani. They were unbribeable Goans sons of real Goan fathers. However, to my regret, only recently some misguided rebels in the tiatrists group, greedy for money have started singing hosannas in praise of BJP. They have released audio cassettes in support of BJP rule in Goa and praising “KAMAL” the flower symbol of BJP. In their songs they feel Parrikar and his company will deliver the goods in Goa. But at what cost? Can these singers explain? Just because they got few thousands from BJP coffers they should not sell Goa like Judas sold Jesus for 30 coins. BJP is good for those tiatrists who acquired hired “Ghantti” females as semi-wives. Never before tiatrists betrayed Goans and Christians, for this reason tiatrists were always praised for their support for the cause of Goa, Goans and Christians. Tiatrists supported Christian community but while doing so they did not prove to be communal, they did not oppose other religious communities. I hope in the coming election tiatrists will do justice to maintain their normal tradition. And those who support BJP and oppose our causes they should be boycotted by the tiatro goers. People should boycott them in future and also by the tiatro organizers. Kuwait Goans has got the tradition of always supporting Goa, Goans and Christian community. If this is the case, why we should support and patronize those who are supporting communal and anti-Christian BJP which is trying to destroy our community? Kuwait Goan tiatrists, tiatro goers and tiatro organizers must ponder over this very seriously. I came to know of this BJP supporter tiatrist couple only after they stayed at my place during their previous trip to Kuwait otherwise I would not even allow them entry into my house. I am not a communal like Parrikar and his BJP, I don’t hate other religious communities though I support my religious community and there is nothing wrong when one supports one’s community. Even Mahatmah Gandhi supported his religion Hinduism and shown concern for it when he said “Hinduism should be protected in India because if it is uprooted from India it will disappear from this planet but if Islam is uprooted from India, it will flourish elsewhere”. All who are supporting BJP are anti Christians and that BJP of Parrikar is anti Christian it was proved beyond doubt when Parrikar openly worked against the interest of Christians.

Now there is a big news going on in Goa about Churchill Alemao leaving Congress on whose ticket he got elected in the last general election for parliament. Fine. Churchill in the past deserted parties and once got elected defected easily. Because of his frequent desertions lot of harm has been done. If MGP under Khalap gained footfold in Goa it was because of Churchill forming PDF Government under Dr. Barbosa with the help of MGP elements. During the rule of PDF Government worst corruption took place in Goa and public life degenerated into mess. All the mess of Goan politics started with the formation of this Ministry. MGP was isolated till that time but it came to life only after the formation of PDF Government. It was during this Ministry that Ministers sucked the blood of Goans by extorting heavy bribes from the Goan masses. Government jobs were sold for a price by the shameless Ministers. The second politician who disgraced clean Goan life was Francis Sardinha from Curtorim when he gave opportunity to BJP to come to power. In life I have seen worst and most disgraceful Goans who put Goan ethos into shame are from Curtorim. Sardinha disgraced Goan politics and spoiled clean and secular life in Goa when he aligned with Parrikar while 3 Curtorkares disgraced Goan prestige in Kuwait – two of them by robbing over thirty thousand Kuwaiti Dinars – equivalent of over half a crore of Indian Rupees of one Goan Society and the third by openly displaying his Penis outside the Tiatro Hall at Hawally under the influence of liquour.

Talking of Churchill Alemao, it looks he is all set to desert Congress Party and contest election against Luizinho Faleiro in Navelim and possibly he may succeed in dislodging Luizinho. But what about Churchill’s followers and supporters? He will also take them along but will he dump them into the dustbin when later on he defects to some other party? All the supporters and followers of Churchill Alemao should ask him what would be his next step once he is elected. Will he remain faithful to the party on whose symbol he contest the election or will he defect to some other party of his choice and at his convenience thereby making his followers and supporters just like “ghantta boils” saying “yo re boila yo, aum vortam te vatten yo kiteak tujea nakan anvem ghatlea dhori ani ti dhori aum maka zai toxi vhoddtam ravon Nanapori”. Let our voters be little clever and do not become slaves of defectors. Let people support Churchill and get him elected but let Churchill Alemao later on not defect to some other party which doles him a lucrative and tasty Lolipop. Churchill Alemao is the great leader now in Goa who has got great love for Goa, Goans and Konkani, he can be called the leader of the masses but people should not allow him to take them for granted. His supporters and followers must guide him in right direction. We need a person of his heart and love. But he should also behave upright.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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