The Goan
View from Afar - Constantino Xavier
May 18, 2013

Ten or twenty years ago, “anti-India” feelings in Goa would be
restricted to a marginal and minority group of people. Mostly elderly
“armchair activists”, they were either simply ignored or accused of
harboring resent for the 1961 liberation and a nostalgia for the “good
old times” under the Portuguese colonial regime.

Those few that then denounced uncontrolled immigration from the rest
of the country, surging crime rates, environmental degradation, or the
collapse of a truly civil society, were immediately labeled as
“pro-Portuguese” – which, by default also meant “anti-Indian” – and
also as reactionaries unable to come to terms with the undeniable
economic progress Goa has experienced in the last five decades.

There is no doubt that many older Goans nurture a deep resentment
against what happened in 1961. I have written before that India’s
military action offered Goa a valuable negative liberty from the
oppression of a colonial and fascist regime in Lisbon, but, at the
same time, that annexation through conquest also denied Goans the
agency to conquer their positive liberty, for example by freely
deciding their political fate within or without either Portugal or

What is new today, however, is how this resentment is growing well
beyond a tiny declining group of elderly Goans. The many Goa groups on
Facebook offer a good sample of these voices. There you will find
comments that may not be overtly ant-Indian, but often extremist in
their denunciation of non-Goan tourists and immigrants who visit or
settle in the state – “ghantis” and “bhingtas”. The trendiest phrase
around seems to be to describe Goa as India’s “colony” which reflects
these youth’s dangerous ignorance about the true history and nature of

This sentiment is also fueling demands for special status, mainly
under the umbrella of the Goa Movement for Special Status. Just ten
years ago, people would laugh at that idea, then made by only a
handful of anonymous activists. Today, it is the rallying cry of all
major parties.

Similarly, while opposition to the new (second) international airport
at Mopa, in the extreme North of the state dates back several years,
it is now succeeding in galvanizing the public against the Navy, which
controls the originally civilian Dabolim airport since 1962 and is
thus being pressured to move to INS Kadamba in Karwar.

All this indicates unprecedented levels of mobiliaation among Goan
youth, which are adopting more radical causes and slogans that, only a
few years ago, were absolutely unthinkable. When, in 2007, at the
height of the Save Goa movement, I met a young Goan who professed his
“hatred” against India and called Goa his “only motherland” I thought
of him as a curious and rare exception – a “radical”. I am no longer
sure he is that much of a loner today.

Often the root of such discontent is a very specific issue, however
small or complex: lack of professional and education opportunities;
illegal land conversion and environmental degradation; the rise in
urban slums for immigrants; the surge in violent crime and insecurity
associated to gangs; the beach belt colonized by Russians and foreign
mafias; the unruly social and sexual behavior of drunk Indian tourists
on the beaches and narrow roads; or maybe even a small, personal
experience of alienation – simply because, as Samuel Huntington
reminded us, “for peoples seeking identity and reinventing ethnicity,
enemies are essential”. As these young Goans struggle with their
identity in a society undergoing rapid and massive transformation,
many will not resist the temptation to create new enemies.

It remains to be seen to what extent democratic politics and civil
society will be able to respond to this extreme discontent. As an
outside observer, I can only monitor these trends – and confess my
worries at the alarming radicalisation of a cross-section of young
Goans, independent of their caste, class and religion. Xenophobia,
bigotry and violence have only rarely found fertile ground in a Goa
that for centuries has been a cosmopolitan and liberal melting pot for
different cultures and identities. So it must continue.

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