Will the results of the 2009 Lok Sabha Elections be any different in Goa? At 
present it looks as if the same rascals will be back in the saddle. As long as 
it remains a fight between Congress/NCP and BJP with UGDP playing monkey in the 
middle, goa's future will continue to be grim. It is not the case that there 
are little options for the voter to choose from, but the real question is 
whether the goan voter ever desires to drive home a point to both those 
national parties that have been playing the fool since the early 80's. 
A crisis in morality, a lack of risk taking for change and absence of political 
maturity is at the crux of goa's problem. The noises of the people about Ali 
baba and his 40 chors and casinos,.and cidade......is not to be taken 
seriously.  A lot of it is merely for public consumption. The war cries at Azad 
maidan would most likely materialise into dinner party's at Clube Vasco, 
mariotts or Cidade. What may be presented to you in the living room may be 
entirely different from what has been actually cooked in the kitchen. 
In the present circumstances more honest contestants in the fray will only 
result in increasing the mess no matter how upright the candidate. As long as 
people do not do their arithmetic properly opportunistic politicians will keep 
keep floating ideas about the need for popular activists to jump into the 
election fray ultimately obtaining just the desired result. These political 
ideas floated around villages are not indegineous but are hybrid varieties 
marketed by none other than the regular wholesalers and traders in goa's 
politics. Their products appear so attractive like the BT cotton but ultimately 
only leads to no where like the greedy and foolish cotton farmers who land in 
debt and ultimately suicide.
Who will ever care to listen. The ways of the world have not changed from the 
times when they stoned the prophets and refused to turn from their destructive 
ways. For goans the pastries coming from the concrete kings and mineral farmers 
of margao will continue to be more attractive and tasty than those coming from 
SHGs. The goan society is like that of the Israelites who were in search of a 
deliverer but landed up being trapped by the scribes and pharisees into not 
accepting the Truth. 

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