Goa Archbishop's Christmas Message (2007)

It is Christmas once again. Our beautiful villages and towns are dressed up
for the festivities. It warms our hearts to see how our people in Goa --
regardless of religion -- come together to celebrate their sense of
neighbourhood, their sense of belonging and their sense of caring for each
other. The celebration of sharing in our homes and parishes during this
joyful season   is a matter of delightful pride. It is as if we become a
human family again.

May this spirit continue throughout the New Year.   Amidst the difficulties
that we face in life, amidst the mindless wars and ruthless violence that
surround us, amidst the grave injustices and exploitation that mark our era,
may we find ever new and creative ways to resonate with the song of joy and
with the promise of peace brought by the Birth of Jesus Christ.

As we wish, with great warmth, a truly Joyful and Grace-filled  Christmas to
everyone in this State of Goa, we would like to re-commit ourselves to be
bearers of justice, promoters of peace and witnesses to truth to all people,
far and wide, near and dear.

+ Filipe Neri Ferrao
Archbishop of Goa and Daman

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