Intelligent Goan children have hardly any access to good education outside of 
the current low-level Secondary School Boards. With the entry of the Cambridge 
and International Baccalaureate programs, there will be opportunities to get 
entry into the best Indian Universities and high chances of scholarships to 
foreign colleges. Eventually the whole standard of miserable governance at 
panchayat, municipality and state level is bound to improve. 

Another sore need in Goa is encouragement and facilities for exams of the Union 
Public Service Commission. Goa is either totally absent or very severely 
under-represented at the All-India Services level. Other Southern States 
specially Tamil Nadu actively provide undergraduates with tutorial facilities 
both private and state-sponsored to sit for the UPSC and all-India exams.

If the state wants to lead the country in fields other than low-level tourism, 
it must look to higher education and highly-skilled trades.

IB, Cambridge-affiliated schools leap in popularity -

Roland Francis

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