Goa State Horticulture Department Corporation’s (GSHC) subsidized vegetables 
scheme from Belgaum whole sale Market.
It was a huge celebrations and smiles all around when this project was launched 
but in last few days the department is crying foul and blaming the Vegetable 
mafia for the crisis, that means they were all aware of this type of mafia 
existence in the market and it will cost most of the vegetable vendors from 
Belgaum and other parts of neighboring Goa who are the key players in the 
The above scheme by the concerned department is meant to provide subsidized 
vegetables to Amm Admi or Goan community? And also an rural employment 
guaranteed scheme, ( I am not sure if it is meant for the farmers who lost 
their farming land due to mushrooming of megaprojects and mismanagement of land 
by concerned authorities and land Mafias).HOW does it work??

Is these vegetables are sold at such a lower rates at the point of origin that 
these outlet can sell at half the price as compare to other retailers or the 
department is buying at higher price and selling them in loss?
If GSHC can get these at cheaper rates and put some control or these so called 
Vegetable mafias and regularize the vegetable prices all over Goa.
I can see the employment is granted but the subsidized vegetable for amm admi 
or Goan Community is an BIG?? Does any concern department has got any daily 
analysis of food items consumed by average goans including Vegetable, Meat, 
Fish and poultry products and also the Goan population against the non goan in 
the state?
This will be an interesting picture to look at when the government comes up 
with such ideas of schemes, the Goans are fascinated with their love to fish 
and other non vegetable food habits and for last couple of years goans are even 
opted towards western type of food at the same time they love their vegetables. 
Then why the Govt. come with an idea to subsidize only vegetables and that also 
bringing in from other states rather then encouraging our own goan farmers to 
improve and increase the production, grow various products which are not been 
practiced in goa and not to rely on all food products from other states.
If we look around the goan vegetable products has great potential, if the 
production is increased and encourage the farming community on goa, does the 
concerned departments doing enough towards goan farmers, they are busy selling 
and manipulating land records to sell and benefit their vote banks.
During this period of the year if you look around certain region in Goa, Like 
Agasaim, Verna, Curtorim etc. people still cultivate the traditional vegetables 
and will find some ladies early morning caring their harvest door to door to 
sell and some seats at some corners in the cities. Some will spent their whole 
day in the hot and dusty highways, (thanks to the so called by-pass), they are 
fresh and healthy.
During our childhood before 1988, my Granny and my mother and also lots of 
other families used to grow chilies, onions, which were enough for the one year 
consumption, we used to do two seasons   of rice paddy more then enough to feed 
a family of 8 at that time 3 times a day rice meals, and during the summer 
season we used to grow all kinds of beans and it was a party for all (Now 
thanks to the konkan railway and some greedy politicians for their own benefits 
they destroyed this land on “Golden Corn” once said by then Zonal agricultural 
office) , there used to be a Gram sevak in each panchayant those and he used to 
take good care and pass on the required information’s, do they exist now in the 
We can see some few departments with CEO’s and Directors who might been 
selected by their political godfathers or they might be belonging to some 
political parties and who does not have any ideas and they don’t know what they 
were suppose to in their respective areas same as our elected people 
My concern and a question to every Goan,
1. WHY ONLY VEGETABLE is subsidized and why not fish which is also a dying 
tradition in Goa,
2. What the Department has done to provide assistance to few existing farmers 
and to encourage and to promote awareness among communities of these products.
If we look around Goans pay any amount to get the fresh catch of fish, look are 
the Goan Bars who makes their good business because of Fish, people from Kerala 
enjoy their fresh fish as they have certain system in place to provide good 
rates for the local community and then only the can sell their products to 
other business ventures. Its happening ion gulf countries they are acquiring 
farming land in other countries, the time will come soon Goa has to acquire 
land in other parts of India to feed their own people.

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