                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

       International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
    Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
              Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org
Dear Friends and Well Wishers,
I am writing to solicit your support for my race at the upcoming Rock & Roll ½ 
marathon on October
14th, 2007 in San Jose, California. I have committed to run this event for 
worthy causes under the
auspices of "Goa Sudharop" - a tax exempt charitable organization with 501c3 
status, focused and
dedicated towards the preservation of the environment and Goa's natural beauty, 
and the betterment
of the unfortunate and underprivileged in the rural and village communities of 
Goa. Please visit
www.goasudharop.org for more information.
My personal goal at the time of registration was 120 minutes. But as Murphy 
would have it I find
myself dogged by knee pains with just as many diagnosis - chondro-malacia, 
bursites, torn meniscus
etc, as the physicians and therapist consulted. However the cause is too 
compelling and the need
too dire and my challenge, as with everything else in life, is to find the 
right balance as I
train to the finish line.  
Goa Sudharop has dedicated this year for the Environment. Many of us are 
painfully aware of the
pillaging of land by corporations and corrupt politicians that threatens to 
forever tarnish this
natural beauty and the myriad challenges faced on the environmental front. It 
cries out for grass
roots level mobilization to thwart such gross violations of the law and the 
mindless greed of
trusted custodians and the reckless and utter disregard to preservation of our 
environment. I am
dedicating my run to Goa Sudharop's mission in general and also to "Helping 
Hands" a shelter in a
remote village for the homeless, the destitute and impoverished fellow 
citizens. I was painfully
aware of and had felt first hand the need to pursue this for quite sometime. 
But I found myself
taking cover under good excuses of lack of time or the personal resolve to get 
it underway, until
my visit to Goa this summer. I am greatly inspired and humbled by the selfless 
and admirable work
of the members of Goa Sudharop as well as the pioneers of "Helping Hands". I 
have firm conviction
that with your support I will be able to surmount the obstacles and do the best 
I can towards
these goals. I appreciate your help in any or all shape or form:

- A tax deductible donation made out to Goa Sudharop for my run
- Tips on training
- Injury prevention / recovery.
- Running strategy etc.
I greatly appreciate your support and sincerely thank you all in advance.  
Please feel free to
forward this on as you deem fit to anyone passionate about supporting the 
cause. I pledge to
personally match every dollar upto $1000 that you pledge in support of my race. 
I will keep you
posted on the outcome after the race on October 14th. 

P.S. Please make your Tax Deductible donation checks payable to "Goa Sudharop", 
with my name on
the memo line and mail them to the address below or hand them in person:
Goa Sudharop
c/o Acaria Almeida, Treasurer
18 Wimpole street
Moraga, CA, 94556
Also please email Acaria at [EMAIL PROTECTED] so she can keep track of total 
donations (and cc

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