Below is a synopsis of the Goa Sudharop sponsored workshop "Reading With Kids" 
conducted for approximately 40 parents at the Hospicio Hospital, Child 
Development Clinic of the Pediatric Dept, Goa, on 29th August, 2008 from 3-6pm. 
This workshop was conducted consistent with Goa Sudharop's 2008 theme "YEAR OF 
EDUCATION". The workshop was conducted by Ms. Sujata Noronha.

Thanks to the donors, supporters and well-wishers of Goa Sudharop.

Goa Sudharop

 Workshop topic: How to encourage children to love to read

During the workshop, parents were encouraged to think about reasons they 
believed children do not enjoy reading and reasons why parents would like to 
encourage children to read. The difference between reading as a skill and 
reading for pleasure was strongly reinforced to enable parents to understand 
the  emotional link between reading to children, being read to and consequently 
growing up to enjoy reading.

Parents were handed out a checklist to gauge the print rich environment in 
their homes to establish the theory that children who are raised in a print 
rich environment, where reading is fundamentally an enjoyable and valuable 
activity grow into adults who value reading. Through a Power Point presentation 
parents were introduced to the 3 stages in reading - 3-5 years, 6-9 years and 
10+ readers. What interests and reading styles developmentally captivate these 
age groups and parents were shown examples of books that could be introduced to 
children during these ages.

The third section of the workshop involved understanding the main building 
blocks to reading. Phonological awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary development, 
Reading Comprehension and Reading Fluency. These areas were explained using 
activities, reading sessions, games and exercises with parents.   

Sujata Noronha (email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) has a Masters in Management and 
presently pursuing a Masters in Education from the Tata Institute of Social 
Sciences, Mumbai. She has 7 years of work experience in an NGO in the area of 
Child Development and Family Guidance, where she co authored a book for 
teachers in behaviour management in the classroom. She has closely worked on 
projects which concerned setting up resource rooms for children with learning 
disabilities and autism. Sujata has developed a preschool curriculum for the 
Nirmala Kindergarten at the Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho Panaji and 
piloted the new curriculum for a 3 year tenure. Presently, Sujata and Elaine 
Mendonsa run their own Not for Profit Company called Bookworm The main focus 
being to teach children to read and love reading. Through this company, they 
run the only children's library in the State of Goa and lend books to schools 
(14) who do not have library facilities.
 They conduct teacher training workshops to help teachers see the link between 
reading and learning and link children's literature to curriculum in the 
classroom. Bookworm publishes its own Magazine called The Bookworm Magazine - 
to provide children with a graded reading resource that introduces them to 
children's literature at good quality and an affordable price. The Magazine is 
published 5 times /academic year and an annual subscription is Rs. 75/-.

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