Goa entertainment capital of India

Before  the on set of scourge of Covid,  Goa hosted international music
festivals of repute
Why the entry cost was so prohibitive.Ordinary mortals could not afford
entry. Everyone except the law enforcement  agencies certified that no
drugs flowed at the venue.It is travesty of facts and truth. Goa is a
transit and consuming centre according to International  reviews. The
detection, arrests , attachment and conviction is a tip of iceberg  Rave
parties on beaches and night clubs are fertile grounds for the
proliferation of drugs of variety of brands drugs . A LEGISLATOR who used
to manufacture  drugs at his known place of residence  has gone Scott free
. Drugs were cultivated by foreigners on roofs and isolated houses on
rent..Police  nexus with drug peddlers  is often repeated story. The
confiscated drugs are being replaced with harmless substitutes. Increasing
number of youths both boys and girls are getting addicted to drugs and are
sucked into the vortex  of prostitution to maitain  the habit and luxurious
lifestyles. Alcohol is freely available  to be on high  and further cause
of vandalism, accidents, murders etc.The hippies  had introduced this
culture years ago and many impressive youths were ruined
A hue and cry is made of non commercial quantities of drugs on a cruise
ship on a maiden visit to Goa  The seizure of 3000 kg of drugs estimated at
over 21000 crores are swept under the carpet. The NCB did not even get a
whip of the racket and are nowhere on its trail of hot pursuit.The sleuths
are beating blue the case on Aryan trying to nail and fix him, a
diversionary tactic
The North  of Goa is proliferated by notorious Nigerian peddlers and
Indians  and some Russians mafias that even access to locals  is barred by
Politicians of Ponda were suspected of being dealers and promoters and with
their embracing  the ruling party  ,
all is well syndrome  is displayed. THE DRUG trade is what finances the
terrorism  proliferation and citizens engaged in this nefarious activities
are enemies of the Nation.
The authorities are  under an illusion  that foreign forces are painting
the face of Goa with  drugs.The surveys indicate that younger generation of
college going youths are probe to addiction in greater numbers.

Drug menace with all its ramifications is a serious challenge hampered by

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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